
My God child found out she is going to have a baby,?

by  |  earlier

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She has her mind set that she don't want the child. She, her father and Mother have agreed that My husband and i chould adopt it. Where do we start? PLEASE HELP!




  1. You can contact a lawyer but I would also HIGHLY recomend contacting a local adoption agency.  She will need the proper counseling and support through this....even if she isn't ready to me a mother, doesn't want the child etc, it is still a VERY hard time.  You bond over those 9 months....and your body goes through so much physically and emotionally

  2. I think its important to firstly, encourage your friend to get some sort of counciling to make sure this is what she really wants to do. It can make things difficult if your friend may come across that child again after the adoption. She is your friend so she is going to end up seeing the child again. You need to do alot of reasearch and devote yourself to educate yourself about adoption. You will also need to involve legal bodies too. It needs to be done the right way.

    Good luck to you and your friend in whatever she decides to do.

  3. She needs to sign it over to you so you can legally adopt it.....otherwise she could just come back in a couple years and take it away from you.. It has to be legalized through the courts or she could just try to claim her on taxes year after year if she wanted to! Go to the lawyer it cost  about $500 several years ago. Don't know how much it is now...

  4. um, do you WANT the child? if so then i would meet with an adoption attorney ASAP. find out your rights and also talk with your goddaughter to see what kind of role she is wanting to play in the life of this child.

  5. What a shame, what about her father, her mother and you tryng to help her PARENT The child.

    You are God Parents and you have her spiritual interest to look after, taking her child and raising as your own is not having her spiritual interest at best.

    The best thing would be family preservation

    She has a mother a father and 2 godparents that could help her raise this child..

    Please think about this

  6. Just get a family attorney who handles adoptions and they will take care of all the paperwork and filing through the courts.  After the baby is born you would take the baby from he hospital and in 6 months everything would be finalized as long as she nor the father change their minds.  You will need the babies father to sign off too not just your god daughter.

  7. This is your godchild's decision and if she chooses not to parent the child, even with support, then I think it's wonderful that family/close friends will adopt the child.  

    However, bear in mind that your goddaughter will have a LOT of emotions swirling around and it may take some time before she is completely set in her decision.  She does have a legal and moral right to change her mind at any point in the pregnancy and through whatever "waiting period" is dictated by your state.  

    I recommend that she get some counseling (most, if not all, states require this anyway) and some help looking at options and resources.  If she still wishes to place her child for adoption with you, you will need to consult an adoption attorney.  But there's nothing wrong with waiting until after the baby is born before making this decision.  

    Good luck.

  8. Is she related to you by blood?  If not, the first thing you need is a homestudy.  This needs to be performed by a licensed adoption agency in your state.  This can take anywhere from 1mo - 3mo to complete (1mo if you pay to have it expedited), so depending on how far along she is, contact someone to work with you on the homestudy first!  They can talk to you about the laws regarding finalizing the adoption as well.

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