
My Gold Fish is floating upside down on the bottom of the tank and I was just wondering why?

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I woke up this morning and my fish was upright up on the bottom of the tank floating and then it moved to the other side of the tank upright. Then, I just checked on it a minute ago when I got back from the store and it was upside down on the bottom of the tank. It bothered me because it seemed to me it was dieing because I thought fish are dieing if they are upside down on the bottom or top of the tank. But, what I need to know is if it's dieing or if it is pregnant and how dod you tell if they are a girl or boy and if they are pregnant how they act? Do they float upside down on the bottom of the tank? Or, is it because it may be dieing or have some kind of bladder problem or what? I would really appreciate it if you could let me know asap because it just happened today and my fish doesn't look good. Well, thank you for your time. Mandy




  1. Goldfish lay eggs, so no, that is not a possibility. It is most likely swim bladder disorder. Feed her a thawed shelled pea a day and she should get better!

    If she is in a bowl...bad bad news read this-

  2. the water needs to be changed and check all the ph and stuff that also might be the problem

  3. it is dead.

  4. Well, hate to break it to you, but it's dying slowly. If it was pregnant, it would be swimming, not that much difference. I'm sorry.

  5. sounds like swim bladder, feed the goldfish peas and do a 25% water change.  What are the water parameters? Ammonia nitrite nitrate ph?

  6. Take the water to a local pet store to have it tested for amonia and ph levels. You may also want to try cleaning the water. Hope this helps!

  7. keep wondering . she must be playing.

  8. Most likely a lack of oxygen, or the water needs to be changed. Take out about 1/3 of the water, and replace with fresh distilled water. Make sure to get it as close as you can to the same temperature. Also, try adding something that will break the waters surface tension, like a bubbler or powerhead.

  9. there is no oxygen in the water.

    the water must be changed alternately, at least once in  a week.

    i think your fish is dead.

  10. it could have ick. go to the pet store and get a bottle of ick medication,its blue,and put like a drop for ever 2-4 gallons.depends on the it in the morning and at night.some are the derections.

    if there is a white fuzz like coating on him,then he most likley has ick.

    its almost impossible to tell if its a boy or girl,and its basicly imposible to breed gold fish.i would treet it asap becausen im guessing you have more then 1 fish?they will or already have cought it.

  11. its about to die

  12. when a fish is pregnant it doesn't hang upside down. i would imagine your fish is dying.

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