
My Golden Hamster keeps sleeping day and night for 2 days now. What's wrong with her?!?

by Guest56034  |  earlier

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She's about 1 1/2 years old.

She's not hibernating because she wakes up whenever I touch her. But she's so sleepy she falls asleep in her hamster ball.

*Also, she makes these weird clicking noises that seem to be coming from her nose*




  1. As a hamster passes the age of one year signs of old age may appear such as fur loss, some weight loss, drying of skin and a general slowing down. If the hamster is becoming slower or is sleeping more than usual as in teh case of your golden hamster who is 1.5 years old, the amount of exercise and handling should be reduced and extra care may be needed to ensure your hamster is kept warm.

    Noises from her nose may indicate difficulty in breathing and can be caused by pneumonia, flu or cold.Best would be to take her to a vet for opinion as an elderly hamster may deteriorate very quickly when ill.

  2. she is sick! plz take her to the doctor!! assp! she IS sick!!!  my hamster died of the SAME EXACT THING AT THE SAME EXACT AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   again PLZ TAKE HER TO THE VET, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. she might be sick.but its is a possibility of over exersising.and my hamster does that and the vet said that he does wake up during the night.but vets are expensive.if it doenst work out thats just one.there funn to have but things come and go

    hope it helps

  4. Maybe she's depressed or lonely, and would like to have a friend to talk to? Do you take her out of the cage once in a while?

  5. I would take her to the vet. Possibly she has to be enthusianized... these are signs of old age.

  6. i think the best advise is to take her to the vets. she may just have a bug but she is quite old for a golden hamster so maybe its old age.

    but dont get too down as she has lived a long time and it might be shes just got a bug but its best to prepare yourself the worst because when one of my hamsters died i wasnt excpecting it so i was very upset.

    hope this helped and gd luck

  7. its may be dying ):

  8. Sounds like some kind of sickness.  Make sure you are not keeping her in cedar chips.  They put off toxic fumes which harm and kill small animals.

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