
My Goldfish had Anchor Worms, how do I prevent a bacterial infection from the open sores?

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My large Gold Fish has Anchor Worms right now and is undergoing treatment with Permoxyn Potassium Permanganate. What should I treat the water with to prevent him from getting a bacterial infection from the open sores left by the Anchor Worms?






  1. Best way is always quarantine.

    If that's not feasible, i suggest you adding coating product.

  2. a little bit of salt will kill bacteria in the water

  3. Potassium permanganate is also very effective at killing bacteria, so that alone will prevent secondary infections.  If you're only using the Permoxyn as a dip, and wish to prevent infection in the holding tank, one mL of methylene blue (2.303%) per two gallons of water is very effective, and will also aid the fish in respiration, as it helps to oxidize hemoglobin in the blood.  Activated carbon should be remove from the filter during treatment.

    Salt and Melafix, Bettafix, or Pimafix will not actually kill any bacteria, but irritate the fish into producing extra mucus that will make it difficult for the bacteria to infect.  A combination of frequent water changes, about a teaspoon of salt (contrary to popular belief, even iodized table salt is VERY safe) per 5 gallons, and some methylene blue would be great, but if the fish is constantly in potassium permanganate, that's all unnecessary.

  4. Aquarium salts are about your only option for the water, but continue to treat the open wounds with a more dilute solution as it has anti bacterial properties.

    Anchor worms are extremely hard to get rid of, you will have to sterilise the tank or if it's pond fish hope for a harsh winter.

    A lot of people would write the fish off if it wasn't an expensive Koi.

  5. The best way to prevent infection is to keep the water clean, clean, clean!  Make sure you remove all waste and uneaten food ASAP.  Do small daily water changes if possible.  If not possible, then as often as you can manage it.  Melafix or Bettafix (basically the same thing, a diluted form of melaleuca oil or tea tree oil) are excellent aids for promoting the healing of fish tissues, so you can add that to help the open sores heal faster.  That will give any infections a shorter window of opportunity.

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