
My Golf Drive......?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I drive the ball, it curves out to the right. I was just wondering if anybody knew how to prevent this from happening.





  1. There is a golf swing guide out there that can eliminate your slice, and change your life... allowing you to feel satisfied and fulfilled after a round of golf!

  2. The old Slice (right hander) the curse of 96% of golfers!!

    A slice is caused by an out to in swing path and an open clubface at address.  And no matter what anyone tells you that is the only thing that causes a slice and both have to be present.

    However what causes you to do those two things could be any number of issues.

    I suggest you get a good tutorial such as the Simple Golf Swing and spend some time sorting out and practising the fundamentals.

    Check out the website in the source box where you can get the Simple Golf Swing and a few other very good tutorials.

  3. you are probably swinging from outside to in and your clubface is open at impact....try taking your backswing more behind you than over the top and try to turn your right hand over the left at impact...

    for golfers

  4. Flatten your swing and keep your right elbow close to your body to prevent an outside to inside swing.

    Place your ball more forward to give your hands more time to roll over and close the clubface.  Tee it up higher to hit it on the upswing.

  5. You are slicing to the right because you are swinging inside the

    target line.  Practice more of a shoulder turn not arms up behind you on the back swing.

    Also, move your back foot back about 1/2 a step to help get your shoulders to turn more.  

    Finally, slow down your back swing.  You don't need to kill the ball.

  6. try not to hit the ball so hard.

  7. Fading or slicing the ball to the right is caused by the clubface being open at impact putting side spin on the ball.  There are many things that could cause this and without seeing you swing I have no idea what you might be doing wrong.  See you local pro for some advice on how to correct it.
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