
My Golf handicap!?!?!?

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im 15, been playing golf for two years and i got handicapped at xmas, it was 24, and i want to get it lowered, im a bit of a bandit and id say about a 20 handicapper, but i want to get cut coz its kina embarassin tellin ppl dat ur a 24 handicapper, i play great when im out with friends, but when im in a competition i always play fairly poor and therefore i cant get cut!! ne suggestions?! thanks in advance!




  1. It is because in tournaments you are trying to hard and are trying to impress the people you are golfing with and you swing too hard. Whenever you golf in a tournament or golf meet talk to the people and it will feel like you are golfing with your friends. Concentrate and make good shots and always take a nice easy swing.  Then also try improving on your trouble areas like maybe chipping, putting, or driving during golf practice.

  2. First of all, practice your typing and English. Then think about your handicap. If you don't feel comfortable with the 24 analyze your game to see where you are losing strokes. Practice the area which is giving you the most trouble. Once you have improved that segment go to the next worse,etc. You will not be competitive until you feel confident with your game. Proper practice techniques will help. Think only of the shot you are about to make. Nothing else counts.

  3. If you don't play golf in a wheel chair, then you don't have a handicap.  I'm sick of telling people that.  

  4. The secret to lowering your handicap is to work on the problem areas.  you don't mention where you are losing strokes at.  Mostly because of your age I'd say your short game is a bit of a problem for I would get a few lessons and practice like the devil from 130 yds and in.  Pay special attention to putting.

  5. It would help to know what your weaknesses are when you're out playing.  Putting?  Driving? Irons?  Short game?

    Some players can drive the ball like nobodies business but they can't putt a 4 footer to save their lives.  Others can't hit a driver yet their short game is Tiger-like.

    Lowering you're handicap comes with lots of practice of the flaw or flaws you have in your game.  For me, my pitching was God-awful so I worked constantly at chipping and pitching in my backyard into a kiddie pool from 30 feet away.

    Next thing I know, I'm "the man" at pitching/chipping and now I need to work on reducing the number of putts it takes for me to sink it in the hole.  I've been playin about a year now and my handicap is about 18 right now but the more I practice, the better I get.

    In conclusion, concentrate on what your weaknesses are out on the course and you'll drop your handicap in no time.

    Good luck.

  6. The best thing you can do is to go for some lessons with your local golf pro.  We don't know your weaknesses for we don't even know who you are. Make sure to say what the problem in your game is next time.

  7. Woah man, I had the same problem as you and I'm 16 now. I was 23 and  I just couldn't drop it in the competetions and when i was with friends I'd play good. I got a lesson on my grip and stance, or any pro to show you whats wrong will work and I dropped my handicap by 4 and then by pure practice I dropped down to 17 so I lost 7 shots in 2 months, so I'd suggest a lesson and practice and have some fun good luck mate.

  8. I can't believe the previous answers didn't emphasize the short game.   The EASIEST way for a high handicapper to improve is to practice the short game.   Practice your chipping, pitching, sand shots, and putting rigorously, and I guarantee your handicap will drop by 5 shots or more within a year.   Keep on practicing the short game intensly, and you'll be a 10 handicap or less in a couple years.
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