
My Gran has just found out she is pregant again (she's 63) - does anyone know any good she can read?

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My Gran has just found out she is pregant again (she's 63) - does anyone know any good she can read?




  1. Rather her than me :)

  2. Somehow I don't believe this!

  3. well she could read a good book/leaflet on birth control and contraception, mind you I'd of thought she alrady knew enough about the birds and the bees

    ...just a thought

  4. wen us she selling her story x

  5. good on her!! how's the daddy I suppose he's out doing a bungy jump!!

    what makes you think she needs a book seems to me her life is too busy to read.

  6. I assume that IF your gran is pregnant she has probably been undergoing fertility treatment.  She should have read all she needed to prior to undergoing it!

  7. There's a women in my town that thought she was going through metapause at the age of 65 but she was actually pregnant. The chances of birth defects is very common at such an old age.

  8. This will make her qualify for Gordons extra help with fuel bills for people receiving child benefit.

  9. yak, i dont like to think of my granny doing things like that...... good for her tho, i thought women hit the menopause at 50 ish

  10. cant wait for skool again mayb the childsh games will stop

  11. if she spent more time reading she wouldn't have been in the state she is in (even though i don't believe a word )

  12. WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT !!!!! Yea, at -


    The Salvation of Mankind

  13. No. I can't wait to see her on the news though!

  14. U go Granny!

  15. Thats cool ill make sure i tune into the local news to hear about it just like the so called man who had a baby who was actually a woman, she just never got a s*x change.  

  16. :o yeah right pmsl thanks for the 2 points and a laugh  

  17.'s a miracle!  

    can't wait to read all about her!

    hasn't school started yet?

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