
My Grandad has is worried about who will inherit his money?

by  |  earlier

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he has his money in joint accounts with the people he wants to leave it to excluding his son whom he does not get on with. The majority probably £30k is in joint names with his step daughter who still live with him. Because it is all tied up in joint named accounts can his son ,(my Dad), dispute this arrangement and get his hands on the money?




  1. He should have a will done up by a barrister right away if he doesn't have one already.  While he is alive I doubt if anything can be done unless he is mentally incompetent. Seems like his step daughter has the inside road being that she lives with him. If your dad wants anything from his father he should cozy up to him while he is still alive. It would make everyone involved feel a whole lot better including your grandfather....

  2. If the money is in joint accounts, the other signatory can remove the funds at will, and making a will won't change that.

    Why are they joint accounts? Is he incompetent?

    Do they have Power of Attorney for his funds?

    Put the money in a sole account and make a will. It shouldn't cost more than £80-120.

  3. On your grandad's death joint accounts will be 'frozen' and your grandad's share removed during probate to distrib ute according to the terms in his will. Thus as long as your Grandad has a will the money will go where he wants it to.

    You dad could contest the will but if all at stake is £30k it may not be worth his while, and he would have to prove your grandad was not of sound mind etc which in reality is unlikely without due cause.

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