
My Grandma who is only 83 is going to become a great great grandma in a few months...?

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Is this ok, or do u think no-one should become a great great grandma in their lifetime




  1. There is nothing wrong with it and you are ignorant to think so.  What do you want the woman to do?  Die so she will never know her great-great-grandchild?  It's not like it is her fault.  You act like it is.  I think it would have been cool to know mine.  When my great-grandmother died at 104, she had 24 great-great-grandchildren living.

  2. me and my girlfreind thought we were going to have a kid at the age of 23 and here grandmother is  in her 60's no biggy here stepgrandfather is in his 50's

  3. Lucky her!  Considering the alternative is to bump her off!  :)

  4. My grandma is 87 and is a Great Grandmother ....became one 4 years ago at the age of 83....of course it's

    She's 87,

    her daughter (my Mom is 67),

    my brother would be 46 this year (her Grandson),

    his son is 23 (her Great Grandson),

    and his son will be three this year (her Great Great Grandson.

  5. good on her - my mum will be very lucky to become a great-grandmother as I only procreated in my 40s - if my child procreates at the same age as his parents, that would make my mum about 100 so she might just make it.

  6. that fine my family has kids very early and in  my grandparents 70's they became great great grandparents

  7. My grandma was 71 when she became a great great grandma, so there is definitely nothing wrong with it. She was 24 when she had my mom, who was 24 when she had my sister, who was 23 when she had her daughter. Those are pretty normal ages to be having children - so there's nothing abnormal in your situation.

    Of course, you might have a very young mother somewhere along the line, which might be considered a little taboo, but the age of the great grandmother isn't considered 'wrong' at all.

  8. let nature take its course, not everyone lives long enough to be a great grandma, i'm a new grandma, , ya dont need someone else to tell ya if its o.k or not, it just is as it is.

  9. There is nothing "wrong" with it, but some families have babies  when young, some when not so young.  My Mom was 87 when she died and had not made gg-grandma yet.  That's just life.

  10. If it is to happen, we can't stop it. My Mom, who is 77, is a great grandmother about 18 times already. Three of them--all boys--were  born to my nieces (2 were sisters, the other their cousin) 36 days apart over 3 months in the year 2000.

        My own grandmother was a great-great grandma several times before she died at the age of 84. Of course, in her case, it wasn't hard to do since she came from a family of 12 kids.  :)  

       Be thankful your grandma is still alive to see the new babies coming into the world. God Bless her.

  11. How shocking. That actually knocked my socks off so hard that I flew several feet in the air. Now wait a minute, if your Grandma gave birth at say, age twenty five, which is pretty average, and the next two generations also gave birth at the same age, that would make her a grandma at 50 and a great grandma at 75.

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