
My Grandpa is lonely?

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How can I get my grandpa to be happy again? He had a heart attack two years ago and is now retired and Doing well at age of 60. Its complicated he sold his house to pay some hospital bills. i know hes not that rich but anyways he moved to georgia and now living in a apartment. he says he really sad because no ones there that he knows and he says he doesnt have a lot of money and the only thing that pays him is the social security. He cant order cable or tv. go to sports game. Cant even buy anything for fun. He is so depress and I feel so bad. I want to support him when i become older, just a couple of years. I want to give him money. to me I think hes life got really bad. How can I help my Grandpa become happy like it was used to be? =(




  1. ask your parents if you could go visit him, or maybe make him something really nice and send it to him. you could even ask him to move closer to you so he could hang out with you guys.  

  2. Have him move in with you. Maybe you could help provide some of the things that make him happy.

  3. Buy him a small dog or a cat from an adoption center. Pets are good companions for elderly people. Small pets are good they eat less and are more cuddly. I am not sure if he can walk the dog. Really any pet would be good. Ask him what he would like.

  4. there has to be lots of things in his local area that would be free, and full of people just like him

    contact his local library, they will have all the information you need to help your grandpa out, clubs etc especially for the older generation, they are on most days and if he starts going, he will meet lots of new buddies to chat and spend time with, and it will save him being lonely

    its soooo cool that you love him so much to be worried like this, he is a lucky guy, help him find these places, maybe even go along with him if you live near enough, just the 1st time so he can see what its like

    good luck

  5. It's very sweet of you to worry about your grandfather. Sure, if he had a lot of money, he would not have to worry as much about anything but I also believe that happiness is something that has to come within yourself. (as cliche as it may sound.) There are a lot of things he could do  to have fun without too much $ involved, like perhaps going to a senior citizen center to meet people, having you visit him, enjoying the rest of the summer by taking a walk etc...Happiness is all about your mindset!

  6. Call the salvation army, or other non-profit organizations in his area. See if they can help him. Also, you can try some labor unions in his area. Tell them about him. Maybe they will get him some tickets to a ball game. Maybe you could call the sports arena's corporate office & see if they'd give some tickets to him. There also may be some sort of assistance for the elderly in his town. Call the welfare division of his town. That's just awful. I am so sorry

  7. I take it you guys don't live in the same town. If you do, well, taking him places will be great. If you don't, call him, send him funny things on email, mail him things that will make him smile. Stay in contact no matter what you do. It's hard being alone with no one around. See if you can get a family member to send him a few dollars for him to go to the movies, or go dancing. Why not try to talk to your parents into   seeing if they can talk him into moving closer to family. Thank you  for caring about your grandfather. More young people need to have the compassion that you do....Kudos to you

  8. call him once in a while. visit him during breaks.

  9. Its not easy for older people to stay happy.

    Maybe you could ask him to live with you for a while ? Or even just stay some weekends?

    That'd stop the lonlieness

    Even just phone him every other night, to let him know he's loved.. buy him cards and presents at birthdays and christmas, And give him a cuddle : )

    It's true that cuddles Really do make people happy

  10. Well I have no idea how old are you? my subjection will be try to have a found raise outside your house put a sign to benefit your grand father and put some of his picture sales cookies and lemonade ask for donation when you get the money put it in the envelope and send it to your grand father he will be happy

  11. have him live with u
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