
My Green Spotted Puffer Fish keeps on floating but when I tap on the glass it starts moving?

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Why is it doing that? I bought 2 of them yesterday and last night they were both floating. Today, when I was about to put them in the net and dispose of them, then they started moving again. Is that normal?




  1. it does sound like they are dying, these fish should be in brackish water (slightly salty) they live in estuaries where the water is mixed between fresh and sea water. it is possible to convert them to fresh water over a period of time, the chances are these fish have suffered shock from not being acclimatised to their new environment properly. if this is the case there is probably nothing you can do for them. fish can only handle very small changes in water chemistry or temp, when they go into shock water leaks into their gill gradient and into the blood stream. if the fish take a long time to die they normally catch secondary diseases as well, this will ultimately finish them off unfortunately.

  2. yes but it sounds like there dying though, they just keep trying to get away because its survival instinct. to run til the death

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