
My Guinea Pig Just Died.

by  |  earlier

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We were keeping our two guinea pigs in a pen i built htem for the summer, this morning when i went to fed them, one wasn't in the cage, i was scared, but it was a possibility that he had just run away somehow. I was really upset until my brother told me he had found the body and it looked like he had been attacked, and he didn't make it. Im really upset , i had this guinea pig for 2 and a half years and i was quite attached to it. Thinking about all the good times we had only makes me miss him more, but i cant seem to forget, i have had other pet losses before, but for some reason this one is worse, it might be because i feel bit guilty for not putting chicken wire over the top of the pen or anything. i dont know what to do




  1. A similar thing happened to my sister.  I know it's hard, but try not to be mad at yourself.  Realize that your guinea pig had two and a half very good, cared for years with you.  These creatures can't speak to you-- there would have been no way for you to know if anything was wrong.  And you can't even be positive the chicken wire was the cause-- guinea pigs have been known to get out through worse, and other creatures have been known to find their way into anything.  Be happy that you had the time that you did, and realize-- your pet loved you, and was happy to have been with you.  It wouldn't want you to be upset.

  2. I'm sorry. Please do not leave them unattended next time, even in a predator proof enclosure. Anything can happen to them outside.  

  3. well it wasn't your fault just think that you gave her the best of life and she had a friend who she could trust anything that is lost in any case hurts just forgive yourself and think that she is in a better place

  4. Forgive yourself.

    We are all human.

    The loss of an animal is one thing, but being attacked is even more drastic.

    Find some hope, and over time, your heart weill heal. Good luck.

  5. This is exactly why these animals belong indoors. Mistake made by you is major price paid for the animal. Hopefully this will have have been a lesson learned to house your pigs in the house from now on.

    If it happens again, well, then it becomes something that was intended because you know d**n well what is able to happen. Once is okay to admitt as a mistake, but more than once is just a habbit.

    I can't be sorry for your stupidity, but I am sorry that animal had to die because of a careless mistake.

    You can't deny responsibility for your action. You will never learn.

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