
My Guinea Pigs are acting weird. Is this Normal???

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I have 2 male guinea pigs, Chip and Dale. Chip crawls underneath Dale. And Dale just sits there. Staring ahead. Is this normal for guinea pigs??




  1. Maybe Chip wants to play and Dale is just relaxing?

    I'm not sure, but it isn't anything major to worry about for now!

  2. sounds like you have to g*y piggys on your hands ........there just cold or bonding

  3. Do they have a place to hide (boxes, tunnels, etc.)?  I worked with guinea pigs in research, and they did tend to pile up in a corner if they were nervous.  Guinea pigs have a freeze-or-stampede response.  When they are startled by something, they either flee or freeze in place and stare ahead.  It is fairly unique to the species.

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