
My Guineapig .. I need help.?

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Is really lethargic. She keep on "napping" she's constantly in her igloo. She's hardly drinking and has stopped eating as far as I can see. She needs her nails clipped. As I only just adopted her a little while ago I wanted to let her settle? Can she upset because of her nails or does guineapigs go into hibernation? I have the wee heater. What should I do? Vets possibly?




  1. The heat is probably causing her to be dehydrated.  She needs an adequate amount of Vitamin C also and should be fed food formulated for Guinea pigs.  They won't hibernate.  if she continues these actions after you've changed the environment and fixed the food situation-if there was a problem.  then yes bring her to a vet, specifically one where they specialize in exotics.

  2. Take her to the vet.  Sounds like an internal issue.

  3. She is probably dehydrated, but definately clip her nails soon or they will begin to bend and hurt her little feet

    If she doesn't return to normal in 2 days, take her to the vet

    Also, make sure she gets greens (ie. lettuce because of the water and fiber) and plenty of timothy hay

    hope this helps :)

  4. Let her drink the white milk that comes from a man. I'v heard from several of my girlfriends that it tastes great and makes them feel good.

  5. take he to vets and get them to clip the nails this time and then get some small nail clippers to do it yourself,thye can become less active because of the nails as it can cause pain,they dont hibernate so it isnt that.tell the vet the simptoms and he can tell you what can help.


  6. If your piggie is kept inside theres no reason that she would need extra heating. I mean, there are plenty that live outside in the cold- as long as she has appropriate bedding there shouldn't be an issue with the cold (although in saying that- I do live in the world's most arid inhabited country lol)

    Her nails shouldn't be what is bothering her- although you can clip them and check her feet for bumblefoot at the same time. You shoudnt have any probs using normal small human nail clippers on her- thats what i use for rabbits, guinea pigs, and cats. You shouldnt clip them too short, anyway because they can bleed- just clip under the vein- if you can see it!

    Not eating and drinking is pretty serious in guinea pigs- I recently had this problem- can you check the underneath to make sure shes not bleeding from her 'private areas' this is what happened to my girl- it turned out to be cystitis and she needed to be desexed immediately- if this is the case make sure your vet gives you some antibiotics to go home with.

    If you think she is dehydrated you can try her with an electrolyte solution, warm it up a little and try to give it to her with a syringe.

    Also, you can check her poos- they are a good indication of whether she is eating or not.

    If she is getting plenty of grains, hay, fruit and veg it shouldnt matter what you feed her, but you do need to be conscious of the fact that guinea pigs can die without adequate vitamin C.

    It does sound like she needs to go to the vet for a checkup- anything that stops a guinea pig from eating and drinking isn't good. Usually, guinea pigs are eating, drinking and pooping machines!

    good luck with her!

  7. Guinea pigs MUST have guinea pig food (not rabbit food, hamster food, bread etc...). Please don't be upset by my saying that but some folks just don't understand that and you don't say what you feed the guinea pig. They have to have the vitamin C in the guinea pig food and it is usually not found in the others.  Ceder bedding will kill small animals and that includes guinea pigs. Pine bedding (also frowned on by some) is ok and so is aspen and some paper based litter. Now and then a guinea pig will have teeth that are actually over grown. This affects their ability to eat and drink which in turn affects thier energy level. I think Erin mentions constipation as being a possibilty and she is absolutely correct and the fresh greens will help that. A vet visit ASAP would be a very good idea as well since things can go from bad to horrible quickly for these little creatures.

  8. guinea pigs like to hide in small spaces if she is not drinking try buying liquid vitamins to put in her drink and her eating she might not like the food that you are giving her hoe this help(you get the liquid vitamins from pet at home) oh and never give them ice berg lettuce(gives them the runs)

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