
My HDTV 42" Plasma pixelates everytime the furnace or hot water heater starts. How can I fix this ?

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I tried using a voltage regulator on a ups unit. still pixelates. Any ideas ?




  1. Hi

    The problem is a mains spike which is thrown up by the spark created when the switch in your furnace and / or hot water heater switches in.

    The answer is simple but if you do not know what you are doing get a qualified electrician to do the work.

    You need to fit a spark suppressor to these swiches, they are readily available from electrical outlets, the suppressor is fitted inside the switch across the switch terminals and stops the spike from happening.

    Your voltage regulator idea whilst a nice try is not the correct answer due to the fact that a regulator is not a suppressor.

    You must stop the event from happening rather than mitigate its effects after it has happened.

  2. This is happening because the furnace and water heater draws a lot of power at start up. Your electrical panel inside your home may not be adequate to handle all your electrical needs. If you own your place call an electrician to get an estimate to upgrade your electrical service. This might require contacting your local utility company also.

  3. dont start it or get a new tv

  4. Rather than electrical breakthrough on your mains supply, I would think that the problem is more likely to be interruption of the signal from the aerial.

    Do you get the same problem when watching a DVD or Video? If not, try an aerial amplifier.

  5. Sounds like interference by some RF energy generated by the spark that ignites the furnace and water heater. If your antenna line (if you use one) runs close to the heaters, maybe you can relocate it or shield it somehow.

  6. Not sure if you are using a true UPS then. You might want to try a different circuit or try regulating the furnace or heater

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