
My Hamster, Flakey Body,Loosing,Fur Help!

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Please help,

my hamster chewey is loosing fur, buldgey eyes,big ears, flakey skin, Swolen lips and wrinkled skin. i do not know whats the matter with him but i need to know whats the matter with him!

We have just replaced his home and bedding and everything.

It might be an alergic react from the corn.

And please do not say bring him to the vet because it is very expencive!

Please help me and what we could do to help!!!

Thank You





  1. That is sad, and it sounds pretty serious, I know you dont want to take him to the vet, but Im afraid that is what you would have to do to have any chance in saving your little hammy. If you being tight on money is the problem then maybe you can hold some sort of a fundraiser, I know how it is to be short on money.

    I hope I helped and good luck.

    PS how old is chewey? and allergic reactions are pretty common in hamsters.

  2. Possible reasons for the symptoms you said above:

    Allergies to something in the cage, possibly the bedding, though if you changed the bedding that seems unlikely.  It might also be a food allergy or some airborne allergy.

    He might have skin parasites, like mites, a hormonal imbalance, or an improper diet.  Make sure you check out sites online about proper diet to make sure this isn't a problem.

    How old is your hamster?  He might just be getting old.

    The swollen lip could be from an infection from a cut, allergies again, his teeth getting too long (do you have proper chew toys?), etc

    Wrinkly skin can be due to dehydration.  If he isn't drinking, you can help him out by dribbling water into his mouth.

    Basically it comes down to having to take him to the vet.  I understand it can be expensive, but it is part of the cost of care for an animal.  If you don't have the money, you can see if the vet will let you work off the cost by doing work around the office.  You could also try calling them for advice without having to come in.  You might also want to try contacting your local humane society as they might be able to provide you with cheaper vet care or be able to provide advice.

    Sorry about your little guy; I hope that helps!

  3. My hamster was sick with something similar, he died of it. We tried giving him antibiotics (a tiny fraction of a pill that was for dogs), and that made him better for a while, but then he got worse and died. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done without a vet.  

  4. Have you looked all these symptons up on a website yet? I'm afraid that all these symptons could mean that he is getting old, and might pass away. I'm very sorry. If you really want to know exactly whats wrong with Chewey, then you would have to go to a vet.  

  5. wow sounds scary!

    plz quickly!!!

    VET VET VET!!!

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