
My Hamster has Pyometra, is she in pain??

by Guest384  |  earlier

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I have a two year old dwarf hamster who has Pyometra. She has red eyes and colored fur (I don't know if that matters). I don't know whether to put her to sleep or let her live her life out. Please help!!!!




  1. my hamster has womb infection but no bleeding....the vet said i had choice couple days anti biotics or put to sleep i chose antibiotics altho there only seems enough in the bottle for two days. i did ask for more but they said its enough....but basically i was told....hysterectomy is not gonna work. i am besides myself i cant sleep i have her cage on my bed when i sleep yet i cant sleep. im checking her every 5 minutes. the vet was so cold. please help.

  2. Hamsters with Pyometra's can be treated with a strong antibiotic they do not always die within a few days it depends on how bad the infection is. You need to seek veterinary advice. I have a hamster with an ongoing Pyometra and she is on antibiotics and she's been on them a couple of months. The antibiotics help to get rid of the infection yes they still bleed but not as bad. Pyometra's are painful yes. I wouldn't call it and have her put to sleep I would see what you vet says.

    Hope this helps I am sorry about your little hammy.

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