
My Height? I'm 14 and I'm 5'8, will I stop growing?

by  |  earlier

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I used a height calculator to see how tall i will be when i grow up. My parents are both around 5'4sh and I'm 14 and i'm 5'8. On the calculator, it said i will be 5'8. So does that mean i'm finished with growing?

And, i have some cousins, their around 6'2 and their parents are like 5'3. So how is this possible?




  1. Your not growing. Most men stop growing at the age of 21

  2. You don't fully stop growing until you hit 18. You can very possibly go up more but you might also stay that tall.

  3. No You may grow a few more inches. men don't stop growing until 18 to 21.

  4. I am 47 years old and I am 6'2" tall. I have 4 brothers and I am the tallest by at least 3 inches. You are only 14, males tend to keep growing as late as 20. So dont worry.

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