
My High School Classes and College?

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During my 9th grade year i took these classes:

Honors Geometry

AP Human Geography ("5" on the AP test)


English 9

Spanish 1 A/B


Unweighted GPA: 4.0

Weighted GPA: 4.3

During my 10th grade year i took these classes:

Honors Algebra 2/Trigonometry

AP European History

Honors Chemistry

Honors English 10

Honors Spanish 2 A/B

P.E. (Tennis)

Unweighted GPA: 4.0

Weighted GPA: 4.8

Now, i had a weak Freshman year, only taking 2 out of 4 Honors Classes. The classes i missed on was Honors English and Honors Biology. Would this hurt me in the long run? Am i ruined for a chance at one of the top Universities in the Country?

I am aiming for Stanford,Duke,Harvard,UC Berkeley,Emory and Columbia University.




  1. Omfg... So nerdy...

    Try getting outside a little  

  2. You clearly didn't have a weak Freshman year, so you don't need to seek validation from Yahoo Answers.  You can probably get into an Ivy League school, assuming you do well on your SAT's.  You probably won't get into Harvard, unless your parents went there, or unless you go to a prestigous boarding school now.  Also, if you just go to a general public high school, you won't get into any of those schools unless you do phenomenal on your SAT's, so you don't need to freak out about your grades so much.

  3. You're doing fine, but you need to worry about your extra curriculars. Donating your free time to charities will set you above the rest. Those are very competitive schools, and I warn you about burning yourself out.

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