Ok, so I'm on my high schools equestrian team... and I like most of the girls on the team... but theres a few I can't stand, and they can't stand me.
Girl 1 -- Thinks she should win every class she goes in.. and I'm not gonna lie, she is pretty good.. and she's such a snob to everyone. Even the adults notice.
Girl 2 -- Also thinks she's the best, when..I don;t want to be mean... but she;s not. She treats her mother, sister, and brother.. and even her horses horrible.
Girl 3- was the coaches favorite.. until i made the team. (not being conceited.. not at all) but now she hates me b/c she was pushed out of the limelight....
I'm going to be a freshman, so i'll be the low man on the totem pole.. but i want a TEAM, not a group of enemies working against each other.
any ideas on how to deal with these girls?