
My Hockey blade is chipping at the heel. Is their anything I can use to fill the chips?

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My Hockey blade is chipping at the heel. Is their anything I can use to fill the chips?




  1. Like the last guy said u cant do much for either .... I guess you could try some really good like bond-o or wood glue but id just buy a new blade for your stick there only like 20-25 bucks if you have a 1 piece stick with out a removable blade i suggest you buy one that can do that. Especially if you take it outside and play with it on the street. If you play on Ice and ice only then its your call. Good Luck Hope this helped

  2. There's a company- stick repair system I believe- that makes a resin that can do just that. At least, their website says it's coming out soon.

    But check to see if it's just chips. If it is, tape over it and keep it covered and know that it will fully break soon. I had that issue and my blade broke yesterday at practice. I pulled the tape off and there was a deep crack into the heel of the blade where the chipping was at the heel. It means I'm buying a new blade soon. Really, once it breaks there's nothing you can do.

  3. Put rubber cement on it and then tape over it really good.

  4. do you mean skate blade or stick black.. stick blade or skate blade there is nothing you can do to get it back... s tick you might be able to blay with a broken heal it little but you shot might be weakened a bit because most of your shots( snap, slap , wrist ) is taken from the heal.. but i dont know the damage, it is your have to get a new blade. if you dont it will crake and you wount be able to skate at all.....hope that helps

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