
My Home Is Under Attack!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a major Flea problem, i have bug bombed my house twice in the last week, i spent over 200$ bug bombing it, I put a bomb in every room, my cats no longer have fleas, and yet a week later after bombing the house and i still see fleas

I am SO embarrassed, i don't want anyone visiting my home because of the problem, it's not severe but it isn't something you would let itself fix,

Can anyone help me, i am desperate!

thank you




  1. idk but try and call an extirmenater!!

  2. I feel bad. Call an exterminator.  

  3. get a pro

  4. Spray carpet and flooring with flea killer - vacuum immediately and then remove the vacuum bag - place that bag in a plastic garbage bag and seal it well and put it directly into the garbage can.  Re do this again tomorrow and then again in two days - this should solve the problem.  

  5. That happened in our neighborhood once, and the family had to move, the ticks and fleas were always jumping off of everything when people would come over.  

  6. as someone who has had inside/outside cats all his life and had my first flea infestation this year, i will tell you what to do.

    first, you have to go to war. there is no easy solution. it will take time and money.

    your enemy can reproduce faster then you can kill, by normal means. fleas can survive for 18 months, dormant.

    strip a room. everything, out. if you have wall to wall carpeting, vacuum, bag goes outside as soon as it is full, then shampoo. no floor coverings, wash. sponge and bucket of spicnspan.fleas breed in rugs, cracks in floor, etc.

    spray floor with "siphotrol plus II premise spray". everything within 1 foot of floor gets sprayed. move furniture back in, wash any thing can be washed, spray everything else. they live in fabric.

    every 2 weeks, respray open areas, until winter, start again in the spring. 18 months if you do not have a winter.

    move on to next room, repeat.

    frontline for all cats, once a month, again, until winter or 18 months.

    it will take about 2 years, but you will win this war.

    i am in the middle of the battle ,i have recaptured 1/2 of the house. i am already stocking up on flea spray,spicanspan and frontline for the spring. they will not get in next year, i will be ready for them.

  7. First off, flea dips only work for the fleas that are ON your cats at the time. If you still see fleas around the house, your cats will have them too. It's better to invest in a product like Frontline, Revolution or one of the flea meds you get from the vet. DO NOT under any circumstances use any products from Hartz or Seargent's. They have been linked to seizures and death in cats.

    As for your house ... vacuum vacuum vacuum!

    You can also get a spray from the vet made by Frontline to spray on the carpeting and upholstery. Wash anything you are able to in the washer (hot water if the fabric will take it). You also need to get a spray for the yard. Spray around the perimeter of your house, keep the yard mowed short and spray the yard as well.

    Be careful with flea bombs and such with cats, you must be sure you and all air breathing animals (even fish) are not in the house when you flea bomb.

    You can also buy mothballs and put them in cloth bags in the corner of rooms and closets to deter fleas.

    Best of luck, fleas are definitely NO fun and a pain in the **** to get rid of. My area has been very hard hit with fleas because our winter was so mild, it didn't kill off any of the fleas and ticks. The wildlife and feral cat populations here are being eaten alive by fleas. It's the worse I've seen in over 10 years.  

  8. When you bug bomb you are only killing adult fleas.

    They have already laid eggs and the eggs are hatching. That is why you think they are all gone and they still show up.

    Cover your carpet with baking soda and vacuum deep. Vacuum any fabric furniture. They embed into them. Wipe down any leather chairs.

    Fleas so not live in the air they live in the carpet and fabric. You can even take some items outside and air them out in direct sun. They will not like this and move on.

    It is OK to spray but you need to remove them. They can even lay more eggs so be viligant.

  9. Treat your lawn with either Sevens or Diazalon. Then use Borax powder, it is in the laundry isle. Put the borax under you appliances, on your rugs, in the cracks of your furniture. Vacuum daily and reapply at night.  

  10. call a pro

  11. Use the flea treatments available on your cats.  I use Advantage on my dogs, but there are other brands.  Vacuum everything you can and throw away the bag.  Do not over bomb your house the chemicals can build up.  Use a flea spray in spots your cats really hang out.  It may take a few weeks, but you will get rid of them.  If your cats go outside, they will bring in more fleas unless they have the right treatment.  I would make sure they become indoor cats.

  12. try spraying your carpet and house with air freshner like febreeze, some bugs don't like it !

  13. check w/ur vet.  Sometimes they have things or know of a chemical u can use to place in ur carpet as u clean it to get rid of the eggs that have not hatched yet.

  14. Exterminater...Or how about that TNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. well i never really had that  problem, but u can get a professional to come into ur home and get them out...

  16. use flypaper, and then you can l**k it clean and use it all over again.

  17. Use Frontline, it's a liquid treatment that you apply to the back on your pet's neck.  This disrupts the fleas' reproductive cycles.  It may take a couple months for them to completely die off, but this stuff really works.  Don't use any of the cheaper flea treatments on your pets such as Hartz, they can have some nasty effects such as skin burning.

    Also, spread Borax all over your carpet and rub it in so it gets deep into the fibers, and on furniture, especially down in the crevices.  This is a white powdery substance, it's a mineral and is not harmful to humans and pets (as far as I know).  It will coat the fleas and their larvae and quickly dehydrate them causing death.  Leave it for a few weeks, reapply occasionally if you like, then vacuum.  It worked for me, I tried all sorts of stuff and this, combined with the Frontline treatment is the only thing that eliminated them permanently.

  18. You need something to hill the eggs that are in your carpets. Go to ACE hardware and ask them for a spray that will get the job done. You keep killing the fleas but the eggs are hatching and that's why they keep coming back. Good luck.


    It's probably the area. Think about it, you can get rid of the ones in the house in theory, all of them, but they cans till come in from your yard, the neighbors yard, the neighbors pets can transfer them onto your pet.

    There are higher populations of fleas in certain areas all over the world, and it varies by region.

  20. exterminator

  21. get a pro to fix it. They are the only ones who are completely to be able to get rid of fleas.  

  22. Don't use the bombs for flea's use carpet flea powder.  It won't kill the eggs though so you will have them on and off until all eggs have hatched.  Just make sure you do it for several weeks to make sure you get them all.  Read the directions.  

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