
My Horoscopoe said I am a Saggitarius? What does that mean? Certain traits?

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Flaws? Traits? Do I match with a guy of one horoscope better than another?






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  3. The Archer

    November 23 to December 21


    Sagittarius Traits

    Optimistic and freedom-loving

    Jovial and good-humored

    Honest and straightforward

    Intellectual and philosophical

    On the dark side....

    Blindly optimistic and careless

    Irresponsible and superficial

    Tactless and restless

    You are best with aries.

  4. OMG you Rock!

    Of course i am one also.

    Saggitarious people like philosophy, music,traveling. life of the party, honest,

    flaws- jeolous, possesive, i'm sure theres more but come on!

    Best match- Leo or Aries....

  5. November 23 - December 21)  

    Symbol: The Archer

    Ruling Planet: Jupiter

    Fire - Mutable - Positive

    Day Forces - Masculine

    Growth Phase: Knowledge

    Secret Motivation: "I See"


    The sign of the Lawyer, the Sage

    Personality: Idealistic, honest, impatient, enthusiastic, frank and fearless, ambitious, philosophical, boisterous, argumentative and impulsive.

    Positive Qualities: Fearless and frank, sportsmanlike, independent, curious and intelligent, generous, aspiring and nature-loving.

    Negative Qualities: Boastful and aggressive, over-confident, prone to exaggeration, tactless, lacking in concentration, inconsistent and crude.


    The traveler, in body and mind. A social one. Aims at the stars. Conservative with money - usually. Broad in ideas. Can be bombastic, hypocritical, and blunt. Ideals applied to home. Aggressive socially. High aspirations, sometimes too high! Loves freedom. Usually big-hearted, benevolent in attitude. Persistent, practical in work. Sometimes sportive. Likes horses, loves children. Aspires onward.

    Those born under Sagittarius and Pisces are the Jupiter type. You tend to be heavily built, have a high forehead with prominent eyes, slanting at the corners. You are quite pompous in your middle age and often not very ambitious, yet you manage to acquire comfortable riches during the course of your active career. Being just, honest, generous, self indulgent, sociable and talkative - these are your other hallmarks.


    Each zodiac sign extends across 30 degree of the Zodiac. These can be further subdivided into three decans of 10 degree each. Therefore, though all those born under a particular sign are classified under the same sign, the decans yield further insight into your total personality.

    You belong to the First Decan of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 2).

    Your ruler is Jupiter. You are honest and frank, with a jovial temperament and good sense of humor. You are also both generous and compassionate. You make a lot of money easily, but spend it just as fast. Your quest for domestic serenity and for romanticism may sometimes be doomed to disappointment.


    On one hand, a Sagittarian is a born flirt and on the other hand, a snob - a disastrous combination! As a lover, you are warm, open, charming and glamorous. What you lack is staying power. New faces and fresh pictures always beckon you, so though you may be a good lover, you are not always a faithful one, and one whom it is almost impossible to tie down. This creates problems in your love life. You are very sporty, but an excellent provider. But yours is fundamentally not a sign of domesticity, in the sense of needing a home and hearth above everything else. A divorce or separation may hurt you, but it wouldn't prevent you from another attempt at matrimony. You will care and provide for your mate, but will give him or her freedom and independence and expect the same in return. Sagittarians can sometimes also be quite crude and hot-tempered. While you respect your partner as a human being, you are nevertheless capable of some very wounding sarcasm, which he or she will have to learn to overlook in order to survive with you.


    s*x plays an important role in the life of every man and woman. It lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to revere life until we know how to understand s*x. Indian astrological science attributes certain sexual characteristics to persons according to the sign under which they have been born.

    You are generous in love, as in everything else and you make your partner happy in every way. You are experimental, sporty, cheery and completely direct.


    You are sincere, helpful and generous in the extreme - a good friend to have around. Your likes and dislikes are intense, sometimes leading to blinding predilections or prejudices. Your intuition is strong and makes you offer your friends good advice and guidance. Even if friends exploit you, you harbor no resentment or ill-will.


    The following section tells you about your compatibility with other zodiac signs in friendship, business, family or love relationships. The basic foundation will remain unchanged, though mutual aspects between planets will modify the relationship to a certain extent in a positive or a negative way.

    Ideal Association (5-9 Sun Sign Pattern): Aries and Leo

    Not always, but surprisingly often, the extraordinary magnetism of 5-9 Sun sign attraction leads to easy sympathy, mental stimulation, emotional affinity, romantic fulfillment. There will be a strong sympathy between you and misunderstandings will not be severe or lasting. The chances for harmony are excellent, and a happy relationship on a permanent basis is more effortlessly achieved than with any other sign - be it friendship, business, family or love relationships. Hostile placement of planets between the two horoscopes will cause some personality clashes and tensions - causing the compatibility to rock from time to time - although the basic empathy and understanding will always remain. If the planets are in harmonious aspect, your relationships with these people will be most extraordinarily happy, smooth and sympathetic.

    Ideal Association with some Problems (7-7 Sun Sign Pattern): Gemini

    Not always, but frequently, you either get physically attracted to or secretly admire and respect each other - in case of opposite s*x. The individual possesses the qualities of character and personality traits you yourself lack. The urge to imitate will be strong. However, in case of same s*x, you may become strongly competitive and feel uneasy or envious. Mutual aspects between other planets somewhat modify the relationship positively or negatively.

    Compassionate Association (2-12 Sun Sign Pattern): Capricorn

    In your association with this individual, one of you will feel that he or she has many lessons to learn from the other. The one who has lessons to teach will feel an inexplicable compassion for the weaknesses and mistakes of the other person, strangely understanding the other's markedly different motives and behavior.

    Favorable Association (3-11 Sun Sign Pattern): Libra and Aquarius

    You will feel a strong tie of friendship, whatever the association you share with these individuals. Mutual trust and ease of communication mark the relationship. In spite of strong differences, you connect closely with each other. A sense of responsibility and some sort of inescapable duty will bring you together. You will constantly stimulate each other into changing habits and existing situations. Any quarrels will usually be quickly resolved, forgiven and forgotten. Even when the association seems to be a closed chapter, it reappears months or years later, to be resumed once more.

    Beneficial Association (6-8 Sun Sign Pattern): Taurus and Cancer

    There will be some problem in communication. Yet you will be powerfully drawn into each other. Irresistible sexual attraction in case of a love relationship. In case of friendship, business or family ties, attraction through some shared interest. Urge for mutual help. Service given will always be repaid. In some way, a great benefit will come from one to the other through the relationship, and the one who serves will usually remain loyal.

    Reflective Association (1-1 Sun Sign Pattern): Sagittarius

    You will each be tempted to magnify your own virtues and failings. All the positive character traits will be intensified - as will the negative traits. A constant effort should be made to encourage in one another the positive qualities of the zodiac sign you both share and to discourage the negative ones.

    Unfavorable Association (4-10 Sun Sign Pattern): Virgo and Pisces

    Not always, but surprisingly often, you will feel a noticeable tension or conflict of personality in the presence of these individuals. One of you may grow restless because of the strict disciplinary attempts of the other. For various reasons, there will always be some mental and emotional restriction.

  6. Sagittarius Female


    A typical Sagittarius female have oval face, pointed chin and high forehead. You are tall, graceful and have slender body. You have wide, steady, open and bright eyes displaying your honest inner nature. They have movement that is purposeful and even graceful.


    You are fond of freedom, intellectual and physical. You have good sense of humor and can even laugh at your own errors and can be sarcastic too. They will laugh about her misfortunes and mistakes, even while she is upset or in pain and can be angry if her integrity is questioned.


    In love, Sagittarius female is impulsive and has an easy-going approach to s*x. They can be deceived in romance, but is rarely misled in other areas of life. You also have an innate ability to remain on friendly terms with your ex-lovers. You are philosophical and rarely get too upset when your mate moves on leaving you behind as you simply rationalize that there will be a new love in your life. You are good-natured, straightforward and generous. You love freedom and loves traveling. You do not like settling down and find it hard to settle in one place for long. You quickly move on from a man, job or living quarters if feel un-stimulated after some time. You can honestly bewilder men.

    Positive Traits

    •  Optimistic and freedom-loving

    •  Jovial and good-humored

    •  Honest and straightforward

    •  Intellectual and philosophical

    Negative Traits

    •  Blindly optimistic and careless

    •  Irresponsible and superficial

    •  Tactless and restless

    Sagittarius Likes: unlimited freedom, alternative or unusual ideas, being on the move all the time, plentiful food and drink, perfumes and beauty aids of any kind, gambling, raffles and lotteries, and recreational flirting with those aforementioned people.

    Sagittarius Dislikes:disapproval of others, inclined to keep in the end, being too safe, secure, or confined, administrative details, and above all having their basic honesty doubted by others for any unmerited reason

    General features

    A typical Sagittarius has a bright, sunny disposition and an almost incurable sense of optimism regarding the future. You are good natured, irrepressible sense of fun and an inspiring spiritual side. The Sagittarius carries the sense of being in a state of divine grace, at one with the universe. In unfavorable situations, you are impatient, have the fear of responsibility, self-indulgent, fanaticism and refuse to grow up. You also have the tendency to get addicted to gambling. Those born under this sign are characterized by optimism, aspiration, inspiration, enthusiasm and expansiveness.

    A Sagittarius has a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend the experience as much as possible. You enjoy traveling and exploration. You are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere with a passion of justice. Sagittarius not a diplomatic sign like Libra and Scorpio, Sagittarius likes to tell people more than they may want to know, or are ready to hear. Like the other fire signs, Sagittarius enjoys the outdoors. You are usually modest and are often religious with a strong sense of morality. You are strong-willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives you the ability to bring any project to a successful conclusion.

    Sagittarius goes compatible with: Leo, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius.

    Best match for Sagittarius is: Aries

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