
My Horse has Hives and they just wont go away what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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The owner at where i board says she's probably allergic to the flys/mosquitos and i was wondering do you think maybe getting a fly sheet will help?




  1. i would call a vet...

    he/she will know what to do for him

  2. Fly allergies! My horse has fly allergies so twice a year we have to get her a cortozone shot and that helps with the hives and pain.. Her hives always appear on her chest and legs...

    if you know your horse doesn't have fly allergies she may have eaten some type of poisoness plant.. I would call a vet to be safe.

  3. Ummm Call A Vet Duh

  4. Check your horses vitals.

    If it is having any breathing trouble call a vet immediately!

    If there is no breathing trouble, you should probably still call a vet.

    If your horse has had hives for more than a day, you need a vet. If its just come up, make sure that he/she can breathe and their heart is ok, and just keep checking on them.

    Your horse may have gotten into something in the pasture, maybe it has allergies, or maybe it needs medical attention.

    But, to be safe: call a vet.

  5. Yes, a fly sheet will help your horse as will some meds called "Tri Hist", which is an antihistamine,  which you can obtain from your really need to see if you can track down what is irritating your horse.  Your horse has to be pretty uncomfortable.  Don't forget to use fly spray....

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