
My Husband and I want creative ways to tell our parents creative ways that we are going to have our first baby

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We would really like to tell them all at the same time so that one set didn't get upset because the other soon-to-be grandparents knew first.




  1. Do you live in the same area as both sets of parents? You could by 2 World Best Grandma and Two Worlds Best Grandpa T-shirts and mail them to your respective parents.

  2. "we are expecting another addition to the family"

    "how would you feel about adding a boy/girl to the family tree?"

    "I see a stork making its way over here..."

    singing telegram... skywriting *not really*... mail them a video of yourselves?

    Oo ... I know do a family tree and add the newest edition and send it to them!

  3. send them both invitations to a birth day party (your due date of course).  if you have the gender or something already, you can add that in, if not you can say you don't know the gender, name, etc (in a cutesy way.  so "for whom" we don't know his name yet! etc).

  4. Buy them something that says "worlds greatest grandma/grandpa and give it to them and just sit back and watch them figure it out!!

  5. For my 1st pregnancy we told them seperatly....But for my current pregnancy we took them all out to dinner and had the waitress take care of it when she was mentioning the evening specials. She did the drink specials first using the words pink and blues. and for dinner the specials were focused around the word baby. ie: baby back ribs, baby shrimp and corn skewers. They didnt realize any of the clues till she announced the dessert which was " Congratulations on becoming Grandparents"!!!!!

  6. ''it was their bathroom i done my morning sickness so they just caught on from there''

    ''my husband told them first without consulting me''

    ''they found out using jedi mind tricks''

    thats for Reasons Why The Other Grandparents found out first

    as for the baby

    '' in love with someone future baby''

    ''Just so you know, theres gonna be a 3rd person involved in mine and (husbands name) relationship, its gonna sleep with us, love us, and let us care for it....erm mum, dad you can stop gasping im just having a baby''

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