
My IQ is 118, What are my chances?

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I want to earn six figure salary

i can work hard...

what are my chances of being financially succesful




  1. Depends on how hard you work for it. The smartest man in the world works in a bar last I checked making not so much.

    I've also seen idiots like Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears get rich without putting forth any effort.

  2. Your IQ does not determine how much money you are going to make.  Some really smart people are poor because they don't use their skills and knowledge to their own benefit.  OR some people, who have have high IQs, take jobs that aren't high paying becasue they want to share what they know with others.  Although, a high IQ doesn't nessecarly mean that you know anything, it could just mean that you process things more efficiently that others.   116 is considered bright, to really be considered gifted you need an IQ score of 130 (check out the website below to show IQ scale).  You need to go to college, get a degree, find out what you want to do with your life so that you can make the big bucks!  Sometimes you have to start at the bottom to work your way up to make a salary like that, so don't think that you need to work your way up because you are bright.  Everyone needs to pay their dues to make the big bucks, that's just life!

  3. 130+ Very superior 2.2%

    120-129   Superior 6.7%

    110-119   High average 16.1%

    90-109     Average 50%

    80-89       Low average 16.1%

    70-79       Borderline 6.7%

    Below 70  Extremely low 2.2%

    You have high average intelligence.  I have found that people of average intelligence usually have more common sense than highly intelligent people.  You can be as successful as you want to be.  Don't worry about numbers, just decide what you want to do and go for it.  

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