
My Joints Crack And Hurt Me Alot?

by Guest60899  |  earlier

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you know my joints will be hurting me alot and plus they crack alot. and i get up a hour after am in bed for the night and my body ache's when i get up like i dont want to get up alot of times because my body hurts and my joints just hurt me so much and plus my hip and legs and arms will crack... i am only 27 yrs old btw.. i know am not getting old lol...




  1. See your Doctor to find out if you have rheumatoid arthritis. A blood test will tell. Does arthritis run in your family? If your not getting enough water and your a little dehydrated that can cause the popping in your joints.

  2. I have this too - the hip cracks are the loudest and its gross!!  LOL!!  The only explanation the docs ever give me is that it's all part of Fibromyalgia (which I have and they blame EVERYTHING on!).

    I'm 24 so we're about the same age and I'll be keeping an eye out on this topic in case I find something interesting out also.

    Have you read about Fibromyalgia to see if the symptoms are similar to yours?  If not have a wee goosie gander at this:

    It's probably not, I know, but always worth a look :D

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