
My Kitten Was In The Sink Eating Peas!!!?

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My kitten was in the sink eating peas yesterday, he got there by jumping on a chair into the sink and I have found him around the sink 3 times, it infuriates me because I think that it is completely disgusting to have a kitty litter pawed kitten all over my cooking surfaces.

So now, whenever I am in the kitchen cooking he stares at me and he tries to figure ways to jump into the sink.

When I feed him he'll take one bite and leave his food there, he'll then come over to the sink and try to jump in it. He also smells around on the florr for fallen food, instead of eating his own food.

I have showed him the sink and turned on the water, I even squirted him in the face with the water sprayer attached to the sink. The kitten is just so d**n stubborn!!! He keeps comming back.

What can I do to stop this behavior if he does this a few more times I won't be able to tolerate it.




  1. Pwoor Pwoor Ketty....needs a better owner...

  2. Feed him peas for his meal, then gradually wean them out, by removing a bit a day. It seems like it's the peas he's after. Also, don't put the peas in the sink.

  3. dont keep peas in the sink...

  4. Has the kitten been wormed?  Worms make cats eat things that would not normally interest them.

  5. give your cat some greens.

    It must be craving them to jump up on the sink for them,

    Buy grass... or just give a small plate of peas for it to eat with it's own food.

    Also if you cleaned up your dishes he wouldn't be able to find the peas in the first place.!

  6. Firstly, you need to chill out a little bit. You have to understand that your kitten has no idea his behaviour is wrong. He sees the sink area as a source of food.

    Cats do not respond to punishment very well. They are stubborn animals, and will often redouble their efforts to do what you're telling them not to. I find that negative enforcement is generally the best way to stop them from jumping places you don't want them to be. Try making the surfaces uncomfortable to walk on. I have used a plastic mat covered in double-sided sticky tape with success. The end result is that the cat associates the surface with discomfort, and gives up. It can take up to three weeks for this to work properly, so be patient.

    However...and this is the big cannot always win with cats. The above method has worked for me with three cats, but two of my cats just ignored it. Remove anything breakable from the surfaces, and give it a spray with disinfectant whenever you want to use it. That's your problem solved, and both parties kept happy into the bargain. Never get angry and lash out at your cat - they will only come to see you as an enemy.

  7. Aw come on; he's a KITTEN, for cripes sakes!  Lighten up.  Or give him to the SPCA so they can find him a home with a real animal lover...

  8. Have you ever had a cat before? Cats love to jump up onto high places.

    I used to get out a tall stool for my cat so he could watch me cook or wash dishes and that made him happy. All of my cats like to get into the sink and get a drink if I turn on the water for them, I got them a fountain instead. I don't think you can keep a cat off the counter but there are some remedies out there, plenty mentioned on this site. As for sniffing around for food that's just hunting behavior.  If

    you truly can't "tolerate" normal cat behavior maybe a cat is not the pet for you and you should find your kitten a new home.

  9. If this infuriates you, then you should give the cat to someone who cares more about the cat than about cooking surfaces.  Do you clean your cooking surfaces?  If not, then don't complain.  If you do, then what's the big deal with wiping them down once more?  You've already admitted you are approaching a breaking point.  Do something now before you abuse the cat.

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