
My Knees are weak and hurt?

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I'm 33 yrs old and I like to play basketball. Lately I've noticed that I lack the explosiveness I once had when jumping and driving to the hoop. At times when I set myself up to make a huge leap my knees feel very weak and they feel like they want to buckle, no support. I never injured my knee before and never had this. At times when I'm not playing I feel slight pain and discomfort in my knees...It seems to only be a problem when jumping, I can run for miles and feel fine.

Does this come with age or is my knee getting damaged from wear and tear? What can I do to improve my knee strength and does taking Joint Compound Supplements really work?




  1. sounds like the cartilage in ur knee is wearing puts more pressure on bone as there isn't as much to absorb shock - pretty usual wear n tear for someone who plays those sorts of sports regularly

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