
My Kodak Easyshare MD853 got wet and wont turn on...what do i do?

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my Kodak Easyshare MD853 got wet...i took it to the lake and it accidentally got wet with lake was still in the case but it wont turn on.....PLEASE HELP.... !!!!!




  1. open it up and remove everything possible.  Place it on the dash of your car in the summer or in an oven at 120 deg.  Give it some time and it will dry out eventually.  BUT, when you tried to turn it on while still wet, you might have damaged it permanently.

  2. it still got wet. even if it was in the case. gotta get a new one. sry!

  3. Uh oh!

    When did you get it wet? You could try drying it out with a blow dryer with the COOL setting on. If you can take any part of your camera apart to do that, it would be even better.

    The only thing to do after that is WAIT.

    If you've waited a day, or two or three if you're desperate - and it still won't turn on, you're out of luck!

    Also, you could try just drying out the battery compartment (with a blow dryer on cool setting) and put in fresh ones. That could be the problem.

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