I have two small koi in a 3 gallon aquarium. A couple of days ago, I found that one of them was wedged between two fronds of the fake anemone display in the tank. I was able to pull the fronds away from the fish without harming him, but now he is hanging around the bottom of the tank, with clamped fins, and not eating. He sometimes will seem to tip on his side a little. I also notice that he has lost color (from pale orange to white) and his eyes look dull and cloudy. They also seem to pop a little, although I think koi eyes do that anyway??
I researched this on the internet, and it sounds maybe like "cloudy eye" but since he was stuck in the display I thought maybe he was scratching himself on it. Now I am wondering if he is losing his vision....
I am so confused as there are so many factors, and I don't know how long these symptoms have been showing and I just haven't noticed.
Can anyone diagnose this? If this is bacterial, what is the best medicine to treat it? I read that Melafix doesn't work very well.
Oh, I checked the ph of the water, the nitrite/nitrates and ammonia levels and they are all perfect.
Thanks in advance!!