
My LIC market plus policy Number is 783657890 for Rupees 50,000. please show my amount status?

by Guest66211  |  earlier

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I have taken a LIC market plus policy for an amount of Rs. 50,000 vide policy No. 783657890 on 30/1/2007. Will you be kind enough to show the present value of the ploicy




  1. you will get from your branch is easy way.

  2. u got the answer from frnds now delete ur que. dear it might got harmful for u

    never give  ur personal inform..

    now its up 2 u

  3. Go to and complete the on line registration to check the status of your account.

  4. it is a private information and not available to anyone apart from the person who has taken the insurance. contact your nearest lic office and get all the details u want.

    by the way, please avaoid giving such personal information on a public forum. rest is upto you, sir.

  5. call on these numbers

    To know your policy details, call up on 1251

    For complaints regarding your policy/ies, please contact the Telephone Numbers given below, during normal working hours (from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM except Sundays and Holidays).

    Contact Numbers  

    Info-Center Locations Contact No.

    New Delhi 011 - 2332 9595  

    Mumbai 022 -2612 5555  

    Kolkata 033 - 23341765,23211893/94/95  

    Chennai 044 - 28602626/28602929  

    Hyderabad 040 - 2323 6687  

    Bangalore 080 - 22485210  

    Pune 020 - 2553 6161  

    Ahmedabad 079 - 2550 7777

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