
My Landlord keeps inspecting the property, and won't tell me why. Do I have a right to ask?

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This is the third inspection this month. What is he hiding and why does he refuse to tell me what the inspection is for?




  1. He might be trying to sell the property or even just refinance.  Many banks require many different types of inspections before they will give out a loan.  There is no harm in asking but if he doesnt want to tell you there really isnt much you can do about it.

  2. As long as he notifies you ahead of time - it's really none of your buisness....................unless you are doing something wrong...

  3. why are you so suspicious yet afraid to ask a routine question of someone in your life?

  4. Of course you have the right to ask.  You should probably acquaint yourself with your state laws about landlords and tenants.  You can find out by googling, or by talking to a local realtor or local real estate investor that has tenants.  That way you will know under what circumstances a landlord can ask to inspect your property, whether he needs to disclose anything to you, and in what circumstances you can refuse, etc.  

    It may be he is trying to sell the property.  He may need an extra look-see to help him price it.  Or he may be looking for  evidence to kick you out, or to see if you are a good tenant (clean, uncluttered, etc.).  He might be wondering if you have an extra person living there, if you are doing things to damage the property, or are engaging in illegal activities.  If you are a hoarder of stuff, watch out.  Make sure all paths to exits are clear, or you will classify as a "fire hazard" type tenant that can be evicted.  Or maybe he's looking for things to steal, and will hire a burglar to break in to get it and they can split the booty.  Or....not. LOL!

    All kinds of scenarios are possible, but if he doesn't want to answer, I don't imagine you can make him.  If all you want is to know why he keeps wanting to inspect your property, you can keep asking.   You might be really, really nice and play up how worried these inspections are making you, and could he PLEASE tell you why to set your mind at ease.  This approach sometimes works on people with a little bit of a soft spot.  But I still recommend that you learn the laws, for your own protection.  

  5. more than likely he is trying to sell the place or he wants to increase the rent but he can inspect at any time with prior notice and u do have the right to know why.

  6. no you have no right to ask

    It is his land not yours.

    Watch out or he will evict you for terminal rudeness

  7. Sounds like you've already asked. Check your lease; if he's not violating the terms, there isn't anything much TO do.

  8. It is his property. As long as he gives notice, he cannot be denied entrance. If you don't like it, move.  

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