
My Laptop has no power when I tried to turn it on. However, the AC adapter's light is on? Help please?

by  |  earlier

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the AC Adapter's light is on. Thanks!




  1. Sounds like your power supply is shot; it's probably time to replace it.

  2. the same thing happened 2 me it means u put the charger in too hard which causes it not to turn on so u might have to get another one. sorry!

  3. Take the battery out unplug it from the wall, hold the power switch down for 20sec, leave the battery out plug it back in the wall and turn it on. lf it don't start your motherboard just poped. Mine too!!! This whole industry is a frigin rip. ps. even if it does start it won't for long so get everything off you want to keep.

  4. probably just the adapter got shorted out between the box and the plug, seen it happen a lot

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