
My Laptop says unmountable_boot_volume because i dropped it downstairs. What do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I dropped my laptop down the stairs and the next time i started it up it said unmountable_boot_volume. I think i need to buy a new hard drive. I know where to get one and how to put it in the machine but then I dont know what to do.





  1. Yeah your hard drive probably just died, check the bios see if it detects it, try running a Live CD something like Ubuntu and check the disk.

    after buying a new disk, pop in the windows cd into the cdrom drive, go into bios, slect boot and make sure that cdrom is read first on boot sequence, then save reatrt your computer will boot on cd, and will start the windows installation screen.

    More computer tips at  

  2. You seem to have broken the drive. If the unit is an IBM you might have the recovery feature. But none the less you need a drive. You will need to boot to a valid CD that will format the next drive and then load all the applications that are needed. However, keep the old drive. You may be able to bring the drive back up and copy what files you did have.

    By the way.. are you sure that is the only item broken? If you had a USB drive or something like that in the system you could have broken the USB port.... check for other things first. no need to replace a drive and have something else broken as well.

  3. I think that the hard drive's cable is loose, dropping the laptop does not break the hard drove.

  4. oh em geeee

    u dropped ur laptop!!!

    im flubbergasted !!!

    how could you have done somin so horrible?!!

    im telling ur mom lmao j/k

    go 2 the computer store

    bye and dont drop ur laptop again lol bye!!

    =]  <---smiley face

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