
My Little Sister Is pregnant? Shes 13!.?

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MY little sis stayed over at my house for labor day weekend. About an hour ago she told me that she took a hpt and it said she was. I am dumbfounded. I am married. with one child already and im pregnant again.. Should i tell our mom? I never expected this from her. At first i didnt believe her so i went upstairs and got one of my old test and it was positive also.. What do i do. She said shes about 3 months. I made an appointment with my dr. For her.




  1. You seem like a really responsible person and that is extremely fortunate for your sister. You should definitely tell your mother. Actually you shouldn't, your sister should. Hard as it may be, she made the mistake and she needs to accept the consequences.

  2. You absolutely did the right thing to call your doctor. Just let her know that you are there for her, because this is probably one of the scariest things she's gone through and you don't want to add stress to her life by being mad at her. She knows she messed up, and I'm sure right now she just needs you to be her sister and love her no matter what. It will all work out! You should talk to her first and suggest you tell your mom together, because if your mom reacts badly atleast she'll know you'll be there with her! Good luck!

  3. I would tell your sister that she needs to tell your mom.  You could be there with her for support but have your sister tell her.  Your sister trusts you and if you tell your mom you are going to break that trust and then she wont feel like she can tell you  anything any more.  You did the right thing with making the appointment, but if your mom doesn't know she will when you  take your sister if you use her insurance card.  

  4. this is serious ask her who the boy is and tell his parent and of course you have 2 tell youre mom for christs sake youre 13 year old sister is pregnant

  5. I wouldn't tell your mum, She will tell her when she's ready.

    If you tell her it might make it harder for her and you and her might end up fighting. In a time like this she will need her older sister for help and advice.

  6. Wow..that's probley hard to deal with.. Your little sister obviously trusts you very much since she came to you with her pregnancy, so I wouldnt tell your mom. Right now I think she needs you more then anything and making a doctor app was probley the best thing to do. Tell ur sis her options..13 is young, how does SHE feel about this pregnancy? My advise is to be there for her in every way possible, shes still a child, she has got to be terrified. Take her to the doc! Good luck

  7. wtf!

    thats messed, a 13 year old little girl should not even be having s*x..but anyways, yes you should let your mom know, because it would be fishy when she starts showing with a belly. or better yet, you should have your sister tell your mother, just be with her to make sure she does it.

  8. yea you need to tell your mother because that is crazy and you need to have a talk with you little sis because she needs to find out what she is going to do

  9. Your mother should absolutely be told!  Tell your sister that she needs to tell her and that you will come with her to tell her.  Otherwise, if she will not, then you need to tell her.  She needs help with this and unless you plan to keep her at your house, she needs your parents to help her get through this.  

    Good luck.  :/

  10. It's nice that you're there for your sister and willing to help her.  But, ultimately it is your parents' responsibility to care for her and help her.  You can be supportive, but you need to tell your mom.

  11. That is a very sensitive subject.  I don't want to sound all weird but was it consensual?  Would you, your mother or relative family help her in raising a productive member of society? Teen pregnancy is becoming a epidemic all over it has no boundaries.  I was 21 when we had our first and was still scared to DEATH.  Can you imagine being 13 and getting ready to be a mom?

  12. Ask her if she wants to sit down with you and Mom and talk about it.

    She's probably as scared as you are and doesn't know how to tell Mom.

    But she should definetly be involved and take responsibility for this.  

  13. oh wow, i think it is defiantly a really good idea that you made an appointment with your doctor.  and you should have her tell your mom with you, because your mom defiantly needs to know about this, and she really does need to hear it from your sister, but telling her together will take some of the pressure off your sister.  my advice would be to tell your mom as quickly  as possible so that way arrangements can be made, like if she will have to go to a different school and if she will still want to live at home.  what ever you do make it in the best interest for her and her baby.  also try to remember how she is feeling now and what she wants to when it comes to school, but do what you think is best for her as her older sister.  she probably looks up to u a lot especially now, and especially since you have already had a baby and are pregnant also.  i look to my older sister a ton for advice, especially in times of crisis, so remember to be there for her as a person of guidance

  14. honey I know it is a hard decision to make but you need to sit down and talk to your mom about it, hopefully you can get through it god bless

  15. abortion is the way. whether she believes in it or not. at 13 that can't seriously hurt her body. stretch marks won't be avoided. and its actually life threatening at 13. women used to die during child birth. And most of them were over 13.  at 13 i didn't even know what s*x was. That was totally a bad decision. her school friends are going to be calling her a s**t. and theres no way around it. I feel very bad for her. I'm glad someone is there for her. you are a good sister. She is lucky.

    i wish you both the best of luck

  16. Yes you need to tell your mom. she needs to have her there. good luck

    and do Blowtana, you are one to talk, since you just posted a hugely troll question, so why don't you shut your dumbass mouth. I'm so sick of people like you, either answer the question or go the h**l away! yea, that's nice that you are a p***y and delete your answer.

  17. I guess just wait and take her to the doctor to see. Do NOT tell your parents yet. If it's a fluke and she's not pregnant they'll know she was up to no good. See a doctor first and if it's positive i would be with her to tell your parents

  18. call your mom immeadiatly.

    unless she aborts and is able to hide it from your mom, then work your way around it.

    but in any other case, call your mom right now, what else can you do?

  19. I think you should definately sit down with your mom and your sister and have her tell your mom that she is pregnant. Also you have to get the boys parents involved as well. He is legally in charge of the child as well. you should tell her as soon as possible, only it's just gonna get harder too.

  20. Dont tell your mom unless she wants u too,

    its her choice.

    i'm 14 and pregnant and i'm giving up my baby,

    tell her all the choices she has,

    althought abortion to u might be wrong,

    maybe its right for her.

    its not ur choice its hers.

    just make sure ur there for her.

  21. i dont think you should tell ur mother but you need to have her tell her. if you need to be there with her for support when she tells her that might help! im sorry your in this situation. but it will all work out!

  22. i would talk to her about it and consider with her all of the options, whether she wants to keep the child, abortion, or adoption. these decisions are always difficult but its important that you let her know that u are there for her,that is what she needs most right now. also talk about the father, and how actively involved he is and before making any big decisions make sure u talk to ur mother, she has a right to know, but go with her and let ur sister tell her, but be there for support. lastly let her know that it was a bad decsion and that it will effect her forever, tell her the consequences and make sure she clearly understands them, maube see a counselor. it seems that you have done the right thing so far by scheduling an appt. pls update it i want to know what happens      good luck      hope i helped

  23. wow! i feel bad for her and you! u need to get her to the doctor and then tell ur mom together! and when you do you need back up things to say like almost a plan talk to ur sister what she wants to before you go to your mom

  24. She told you an hour ago and you already managed (on labor day no doubt) to get her an appointment.  Something tells me you are lying!

  25. talk to her..comfort her..because as you should know its not the easiest thing to deal with..especially at 13..tell her someways she can break it to your parents..or even if you could tell them and tell them not to be so angry cuz you already had a talk with her..and talked everything out..and that shes scared..and she wants their help and support...good luck

  26. YES you should tell them, or wait in till your sister is ready to, it will  be less embarrassing for her if she tells the parents rather then not telling them in till it's too late.

  27. If the family is not against it then I would definitely say abortion because she is entirely tooooooo young to have a baby and she hasn't even had a fair shot at life yet and on the minor end of things, think about how that would potentially ruin her little body (nasty stretch marks, big belly etc.).

    Unfortunately your sis made a huuuuge mistake but if she prays and asks God for forgiveness and a one time pardon and makes smarter choices from this point on then I'm sure she will not burn in h**l for an abortion.

    I had an abortion when I was 15 and at the time I felt horrible for it but I prayed and asked God's forgiveness. I will be 23 in Nov. and for the last 3 1/2yrs I've worked FT, gone to school FT, drove my own car and lived on my own and took care of myself. I look back on that abortion and I have no regrets because if I had that child I don't think I would've accomplished half the things I have. I am pregnant now and although this is still not a time in my life that I wanted to have children I know that I'm a lot more prepared and equiped to have a child than when I was 15.

    Just pray for her

  28. It's her responsibility to tell your parents. But you need to be supportive. You may not have expected this from her, but guess what... it happened. It's a bummer, and it's going to be hard. Good job making a Dr.'s appt for her, thats a great first step. But I wouldn't go above her and tell your parents without her. Do it with her. Be a support system. It's all you can do. It's her life, just be there for her.

  29. Tell her she NEEDS to face the consequences and tell your mom. Tell her you'll be there for support if she seems nervous about it.

  30. You sure its not defective? My friend took a pregnancy test the cheap ones you buy, and it said positive she went to see the doctor turns out it was defective. You should tell your mom though.

    hope things get better

  31. make sure you inform her of her right to decide if she wants to have this baby. we are lucky to live in a country where women have aright to choose. she is so young that having an abortion might be the best thing to do for her and the fetus. be supportive of her.

    good luck!

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