
My Little brother is having a 6th birthday party and it as at my house in the yard and i need ideas for games?

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My Little brother is having a 6th birthday party and it as at my house in the yard and i need ideas for games?




  1. There are some awesome ideas in this website.. go to family fun and check out the carnival party ideas under family fun. You should find some good possibilities there. Good luck.

  2. Lawn Darts, Flip cup, and Quarters

  3. Football throw

    Lawn Dart

    Treasure Hunt

    pinata (its a good game to see who can hit it, make sure the birthday boy wins!!)


    simon says

    Pin the tail on the donkey ( can be mounted on the house or a post)

    good luck

  4. blow up medium size ballons and pop them by either sitting on them or stepping on them---i had a blast with this at age 13 doing this at a party!

  5. you can look up a lot of party games at Does his party have a theme? You can look up by theme or by age. My son and I used to do a lot of the activities there. Now that he's almost 13 he doesn't want to do those things anymore. I miss those days!

  6. pinata!!!!!

    kids love violence and candy!

  7. Here is a list of stuff you could do

    -have a pinata

    -have a clown

    -party games

    -water balloons





    -a play


    -petting zoo

    -play cards

    -open presents

    -water guns

    - play tag

    -play hide and seek

    -play cars

    -play with your pet

    Hope this helps!

  8. water balloon fight..make teams or have a designated person to get thrown at like the birthday kid or something.....or make targets...potato sack race....hang marshmallows from the clothes line and the have to get them with their mouth prize to first few...(hands behind back)...sprinkler.....face painting......paint each other ....get water paint from dollar store....

  9. get them a magician, or a moon bounce.both will make them pay attention and not get tired or bored.

  10. piniata !

    lolly hunt

    lolly scramble!!

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