
My MOH, Responded, "Thats All I get" when I gave her, her Bridesmaid gift! Help?

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For my bridesmaids

I got them Earrings and a matching necklace. However when my MOH was with me while I was wrapping the gifts, She was Like...That's All I get? Were supposed to get more...I was really offended. Because I spent 35 dollars per girls...Am I supposed to get them more?




  1. no

    there r still alot of ungrateful people like your MOH

  2. Even though she obviously has a reason why she thought the gifts should be "more," it was not nice to blurt it out like she did.  In my opinion, a necklace and earrings is a pretty standard bridesmaid gift, as I'm guessing they will wear them on the day of the wedding.  Maybe she was anticipating something more personal.  (??)  Regardless, she should have just said thank you.

  3. no way and your MOH sounds pretty snotty

  4. That is a really nice and appropriate gift for bridesmaids. What an ungrateful ******! Now you know who your friends are. WHen she gives you a wedding gift you can say "is this all I get?"

  5. I probably spent more, but I had only two brides maids. it's up to you and your budget... and what you want to spend on them.  

  6. No, that is a perfectly fine gift for your bridesmaids. If you want, you could add like a spa treatment for your MOH.

  7. She was rude but honest about how she felt.  Her perception was that the MOH deserved a little more than the others,  You did what you felt you could afford.  The MOH does have special duties and responsibilities and perhaps deserves a little more but that is my opinion and that doesn't make it right for you.  Anyway, that's how she feels and now you two have to decide how to deal with it.  Hopefully, this will be talked about as I am certain that you didn't mean to make her feel that way.  Once you both understand the other persons side you can put it behind you and move on.  You need to focus on your wedding and not worry about it right now.  I am sure she didn't accept the title of MOH just for the gift she might get.  She is your friend and she made a mistake by saying anything when she did.  

  8. She DID NOT!  She sounds incredibly young and immature.  She has NO clue how much it costs to plan a wedding.  Try to ignore her comment.  If you'll feel better, tell her that she's hurt your feelings and that you're on a budget.  Poor thing thinks the world revolves around her!

  9. although her reaction was quite outrageous, and rude, you have to also see things from her point of view.

    she is your maid of honor, and has sacrificed time and money to help you with your special day. you asked her to sacrifice more than the other brides maids, and people helping with the wedding, so it actually isn't that outrageous for her to expect a little something extra. her reaction was not right, but i think if we all flip the situation around, we would want the same thing she does... to be acknowledged for the time and effort we put in.  

  10. No. If that is what you felt that you needed to spend, then that is your business.

  11. Wow! Isn't she ungrateful.  That is what I gave my bridal party including my MOH.  I guess she thinks that she should get more than the other bridesmaids.  Tell her yes, that is all she gets.  Tell her that she gets the honor of being your MOH.  No, don't worry about getting her more.  You didn't have to get them anything.  You should let her know that you are really offended by how ungrateful she is.

  12. Forgive her.

    If she is your special best friend, maybe she expected (right or wrong) that she'd see a more personal gift from you.

    Right or wrong, she felt slighted.  If she'd kept quiet, she would have gotten madder and madder and you'd have no idea what was troubling her. Now at least you are openly aware of her feelings and can either move to ease them or not.

  13. Wow that's really rude!! $35 per girl is probably about average, that's all I'm going to spend. I don't know how many girls you have in your wedding, but I have 5 that's a lot of money, and she should bite her tongue. A nice thoughtful gift is all you need to give you shouldn't have to break the bank to make her happy.

  14. Sheesh, what an awful thing to have said! What you gave them was totally lovely! Just put it out of your mind.

  15. I don't know - how much did you make them spend on their dresses, shoes, hair, etc.......

  16. She has a big mouth. And she shouldnt have accepted being MOH if all she wanted was some gift.  

  17. If my maid of honor said that, I would imagine she is saying that not because that isn't a nice gift for anyone but, because she expected (as the maid of honor) to get more then the bridesmaids.  I am not saying that that is right or wrong, its just how I would take it.  

  18. NO, first of all it's horrible and rude for your MOH to think let alone say something like that to you. She is not supposed to be there to get gifts she is supposed to be there to support you. I would tell her straight up that if she doesn't like it she can shove off because she should be happy she got something and even happier that you asked her to share such a large part in one of the most memorable days of your life. She needs a  reality check!

  19. Wow - was your maid of honor drinking while wrapping gifts? I would think you would have to be drunk in order to say something like that! I think that a necklace and earrings are a very nice gift. $35.00 is plenty to spend on a gift. Maybe your MOH was just a little hurt because she thought that the MOH might get a special gift or something a little extra. I would say to get your MOH a little extra something - but after her outburst I definitely wouldn't get her anything else. That's certainly not a way a MOH, or any human being for that matter, should react when given a gift.

    Don't worry - I am sure that your bridesmaids will be very happy with their gifts. I know that I would be. I think that's very nice and generous.  

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