
My MOM is FAKING a back injury?

by  |  earlier

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she says she hurt it pulling a wagon but it is only to get out of chores around the house. what do i do?




  1. Two can play at that game! Come up with a reasonable injury and you'll be out of them to!

  2. Confront her? Maybe she isn't faking. You should insist she sees a doctor or something, that way you'll find out. Maybe she needs help with chores and found this to be the only way to get help.

  3. Leave her alone, let her have a break she has been cleaning up after husband and kids for years, if faking a back injury is a way for a break let her do it..

  4. well..... um i gots a ques. 4 ya.... how do u know she is faking it?? anywhooo.... if she is then u gotta deal wit it... nuttin u can do. sorry. lol.  

  5. I don't think your mom would fake a back injury because they are very painful for one. If the wagon was heavy and if she strained while pulling it then yes she can have a back injury. It would be a sprained back. Try to see if you can help her around the house which would show that you have a good attitude and shows that you have some manners and willing to help. IF not then you may be self centered. What if you hurt your back and couldn't do things. You wouldn't fake a back injury to get out of things which is dishonest. If she has hurt her back then she needs to see a doctor.  

  6. lol jump up on her one day and she will get startled and if she jumps up you will know if she is faking or not , and if you find that she really is in pain then you should help your mom out , maybe the reason she is faking is because she needs help , shes your mom so i think you should help her out anyway .  

  7. don't let that witch get on disability... testify against her.

  8. ungrateful *****. give her a break. she has been cleaning up after you all's sorry asses for years.

  9. fake 1 back of course pretend you pulled something at skool

  10. what sort of family are you that your mom has to fake an injury to get some rest?Perhaps she's not faking, ever thought of that?She's not a servant you know. Maybe it's time you did your own chores missy.

  11. eh just give her a brake and do some chores for her. she cant fake it forever, but after a while of time thats really too unreasonable of a time for a back injury and she says it still hurts tell her you know what shes doing. And its kinda unfair!

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