
My MSN isnt working and i need help ?

by  |  earlier

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my msn isnt working, everytime i try to sign in

it says: "signing into windows live messenger failed because the service is temporally unavailable, please try again latter."

and i have uninstalled it and re-installed it and it still dosnt work

+ my friends can sign in on the same internet, so its only my computer.

any one know how i can fix it ?




  1. Sometimes I get that error message, too. It's not abnormal, have you tried their repair thing that pops up? I'm not sure what to call it, but they sometimes let you repair the problem.

  2. click Start - Run

    then type "regsvr32 softpub.dll" and press enter

    Then close msn in taskbar and restart it

    Now it should be working

    good luck

  3. I had the very same problem :) All you have to do is Do Not un-install it, but go to the msn website & then click on download again. A message should then come up saying - do you want to install or repair, something like that. Then just click repair :) Hope this works x

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