
My Male Betta seems to be trying to make a bubble nest but...?

by Guest61245  |  earlier

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His bubbles are bursting, first thing I do not want to breed him...NO WAY...

But when I brought him home about two mnths ago he made this huge nest in his 10 gallon tank.

It was great to see him so happy.

Now he is displaying the same behaviour as before and he his blowing a ton a bubbles. They are going to the side of the tank, but after a few minutes or sooner the POP!

He looks on the bottom for them, he almost looks sad when they pop, this has been going on for two days now.

Is this normal, I was thinking that maybe before the nest forms, they blow bubbles to pop as like a foundation for the nest?

Remember I do not want him to mate, this is just for our enjoyment!





  1. it is normal but you should put some floating debris so the bubbles will not pop.  that will help you get a bubble nest.

  2. It is normal for male betta to build bubble nest whether he is alone or has a mate. The bubble nest is something for it to shelter himself may be from predator flying up above or sun or something else. It will feel safe under it and later it is also used to hang up the eggs.

  3. dont worry the male wont mate when there is no female in the same tank. This behavior also indicates that he is healthy. I had a fighting fish before and it do same thing . It is normal.

  4. Sounds like  your boy is quite healthy as bettas building bubble nests are a great indicator of overall health.  Heheh, say that one ten times fast!  Understanding that you don't want to breed your betta but still want to observe his nest building, here are a few tips for you.  Change about 25% of his water daily with reverse osmosis water from the grocery store (just make sure that it is at the same temperature as his bowl/aquarium water).  It sounds like you have very hard water and the mucus that he uses to form the bubble just isn't strong enough to hold.  Softer water like reverse osmosis water can help.  Also, give him something to anchor his nest to, like a piece of clean styrofoam.  When I breed mine, I use a styrofoam cup cut in half.  Many people use Indian Almond Leaves that you can buy on the internet.  They are great for bettas as they soften water and lower the pH level as well as provide an anchor for bubblenests.  I have also used a few pieces of duckweed to give him some debris to use in building his nest for my retired breeders.

  5. aw poor thing. i'd be really sad if my bubbles popped too...why not try a different tank or something? my fish never made a bubble nest, but his eyes did bug out once, like those squishy things you see in the toy section at walmart.

  6. As others have stated this is natural behavior for healthy male bettas and similar fish.  Especially if the water conditions are right.  It's when he stops that you need to worry about his health.

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