
My Maple Chase thermostat keeps showing the low battery even after I replace them with brand new ones, reason?

by  |  earlier

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I have a Maple Chase thermostat and I have to keep replacing the batteries, days after I just put in new ones. I reset the system every time i put in new batteries. Anything i can do besides get a new one?




  1. Make sure u use alkaline batts.

  2. You could try cleaning the contacts where the batteries touch in the thermostat.  A q-tip with a little alcohol might do the trick.  If that doesn't work, then I'd imagine it's a problem with the circuitry inside and it'd probably be easier to just replace the thermostat.

  3. you reset the t-stat or you turned off power top a/h pop the face of the t-stat theres a little black reset button push it with your thmbnail

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