
My Masturbation Problem

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Basically I Am Of 15 Years Old And I Have Been Masturbating For Over 3 Years Until That I Found Out It Is Against My Religion Ive Tried To Stop Numerous Times But Until Now I Have Stopped For Over 1 Month And I Get The Best Fantasy's Ever And Urges I Tend To Get Angry Quicker And Lose My Temper ? Please Name A Solution For Me ! :D




  1. You are totally normal. You are basically frustrated because you haven't "released" yourself in a month. Why is it against your religion to m********e? It is a feeling that you cannot control. At least you are not having s*x at 15.

  2. Get over your religion.

  3. Quit masterbating and get laid for reallz!!!

  4. Resist it, God went through many different temptations and was so strong he could resist everyone. so follow in his footsteps. god bless. -marty jean baker

  5. Who are you hurting by doing this??  No one.  Just ask for forgiveness if it makes you feel better, but DO IT.


  7. Well your getting sexualy fustrated because you don't have an outlet for your high s*x drive. You know people can twist and turn the bible around to say what ever they want, I believe in God very much and honestly don't think that he isn't going to love me because I m********e. So whether or not you do it is a personaly choice but the only way to really cure whats going on it to m********e again. And don't worry God won't hate you for it.


  8. There is no problem masturbating. A lot of people believe that it's against their religion, but truthfully, it's not.

    It can...

    > Release stress

    > Release sexual tension

    > Prevent prostate cancer

    > Prevent kidney stones

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