
My Microsoft office word 2007 isn't working... can someone help please?

by  |  earlier

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ok, every time i try to open it, a message comes up saying > Microsoft office word has not been installed for the current user. Please run set up to install the application. <

umm, when i got my laptop microsoft office word was already on it because i have windows vista...

so, how do i fix this?

oh and i really dont know anything about computers, so explain a lot please.

thank you.




  1. M/S is the short notation for Microsoft.

    It is because you do not have the previlege to access office 2007. Normally every single user system will have all the previleges.

    For the time being you do one thing.

    (Desktop)You click Start&gt;&gt;Control Panel &gt;&gt; User Accounts &gt;&gt; Change an account &gt;&gt; Select the user name that you have logged in &gt;&gt; Change my account type &gt;&gt; In that take Administrator

    Then click ok.

    Restart your PC (not mandatory).

    Try running MS Office again.:-)

  2. Vista doesn&#039;t come with MS Office..It comes with only a trial..And I think the message you&#039;re gettin means your trial has expired and you didn&#039;t install the registered version on your user have to buy it yourself..

    If you&#039;re sure it&#039;s a registered version..Then maybe you installed it on another user account on your laptop not on your own account..try installin it on your user account.

    MS = Microsoft

  3. use open office dot org

    (it&#039;s free)

    don&#039;t support bill gates

  4. Run M/S Word as Administrator.

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