
My Mini Dirt Bike!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey Dirt Bike got a problem again grrrrrr.

I have a leek out the other flow pipe again! but i blown the carb out done everything fine sept i think i mite of put the flote in upside down... you know the indents in the flote i put then face down to the bottom of the carb bowl is this right? thanks




  1. it is in the floats 4 sure.

    take the bowl off and check.

  2. remove the leek ! a vegetable has no place on a motorbike. dont know what a " flote " is but bin that as well.

  3. should be pointing up .. ( if its a dohnut looking float ) .. the little bubble mark shuts off the fuel .. plus that mite just be mine ... the problem you have is the float or the float pin needs a good cleaning or fixing .. the pin maynot be shutting off the fuel because something is stopping it .. take off the carb and blow through were the fuel pipe attaches to the carb, u should be able to blow perfectly now push the float up or pin and if u cant blow its fine ( or you float is staying down preventing it from comeing up ) if u still can blow giv it a clean and if you still cant u need new parts ( pin ) it isnt stopping the fuel from enterign the carb  

  4. Your float is not right and your spelling is terrible.

  5. get a new bike!  

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