
My Mom, How should I react? Or should I?

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I moved into an apartment after I split from my husband. My mom owns the apt. and was more than willing to let me move in because my brother was living there and the apt was just sitting vacant. I paid rent, which my brother didn't. I lost my job and made arrangements with my mom to pay the rent I owed her when I settled my divorce, which she agreed.

I found out my mom had been telling people my personal business and I confronted her, She lied to my face. She also was talking to my siblings telling them untruths. I confronted her too. We had an argument and I told her I would just move out. She told me not to be silly and that "she is my mom and wants to help me out".

I got a letter in the mail from my mom ( since we are not talking) telling me to move out in two weeks. The letter told me how horrible a daughter I was. Then the next day I got a letter from an attorney telling me I had three days to move.

I am so pissed at my mom. We had an agreement and she wants to change it. She is suing me now for the rent we agreed I would pay when I settled my divorce. I can't believe it! What should I do? Please help?




  1. TB I have to tell you that I am dissapointed in your your mother. I can't believe she is being this way. As a mother myself, I would have a hard time telling my daughter to move out. And then hire an attorney. My gosh what is she thinking. I think you have the right to be very angry. I would be more hurt than anything. which I think you are. Have you been over there trying to talk to her? What made her decide to do this?

    I guess if the attorney sent a letter, I think you need to go, but I think you need to talk to her and find out what the heck happened. Good luck. I feel for you here. A mother doesn't do this to a child

  2. Ok your mom seems unreasonable but she is also a mom. Go to her and just start talking about anything brake the silence try and bring her into your life don't tell her anything you don't want anyone else to know because she will probably just relay what you tell her to other people but try and maker feel loved and tell her that you are sorry it might not fix how you feel towards her but she might just drop the charges and then you can get back on your feet. DO NOT CONFRONT HER I repeat do nor confront her. she will just get madder  

  3. I  would start finding a place even if I had to put my things in storage and stay with a friend.  Then I would ask her why your brother didnt pay and you have to.  She has to give you 30 day notice and by the time it goes to court it will be longer than 30 days.  But I would decide on the two  ideas I gave you and act accordingly.  Your mom must be bipolar.  I would never trust her again.  Be nice but keep your business to yourself.  Someone could be influenceing her like someone that wants to pay her more rent so she can have more money in her pocket.  But that doesnt matter just move and get out of her business and get on with yours.  Good Luck and learn from this.  

  4. It sounds to me like your mom wasn't doing you any sort of a favor. The only thing she is doing  is causing more trouble than she is worth. Giving you a favor  would be letting you stay there without paying any rent at all. Then she is suing you for it. That would be enough for me just to never accept anything from her again. Wow, you must be going through a heck of a lot of stress right now. Don't let it bother you and maybe she'll drop her charges.  I htink the only thing your mom is doing is following what people have been saying to give you children responcibility-to make them pay rent and treat them like any other person you might rent it out to. I think that whole idea is just a load of c**p but I know a lot of people are following it. Don't let your mom know how stupid you really think she is and deal with every day one at a time. Maybe you'll get lucky and your mom will go on a guilt trip about what she has done. I feel sorry for you, my mom would never do that to me.

  5. You said you are not talking to your mom. I could never imagine anything EVER coming inbetween me and my children. They are my life and you would have to kill me first!

    Depending on the state you live in, a verbal agreement is binding. Why your mom would send one letter and then have an attorney send one that contradicts her letter makes me think that there is something mentally wrong with her.

    No mother should ever treat a child, adult or not like your mom is treating you.

    I wish you luck.

    P.S. is she suing your brother for non payment of rent too??  

  6. You know what girl, This is only a matter of a little misunderstanding that give your mom a reason to get mad.  You started to tell her you will move out. And maybe she was hurt of that words.  Sometimes they want to give us  a lesson that prove they can do something for us good or bad.  And maybe, no offense, she was thinking that you was needing her support and yet  you are so high pride and yet have the face to confront her.  I understand  you should but when you confronted her are you sure you didn't say something that might hurt her?  Anyway, girl try to talk to her, say sorry, hug her and be honest you need her this  time of your down fall.  I would say if we are very humble no matter what problem we had in our life everything seems to be alright to those person that can help us.

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