
My Mom's blood type is A and my dad's is O!?

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If my mom has type A blood and my dad has type O!! What blood tyoe am I!! and please explain! Thanx




  1. You can be A if your mom is A/A or A/O. You could be O if your mom is A/O. There is a 75% chance you are A/O which is a blood type of A

  2. Type A probably

    why? There are three versions of the blood type gene: A, B, and O. There are six possible combinations; AA, BB, OO, AB, AO, and BO.

    If your mother is A and your father is O, you're more than likely type AO which is type're only type O if you are OO

    If your mother was's possible for her to pass the O and then mix with your father's OO...but A is more dominant and O is recessive

    I'm not a geneticist though so I can be wrong

  3. Unfortunately, there's no single answer.

    If I remember correctly from genetics, blood type is thought to be governed by a single gene.  The problem is, every person has two, possibly different, 'alleles' (copies, if you will).

    Let's call he possible alleles I_o, I_a, and I_b

    Your Dad is a homozygote (meaning he has two of the same alleles), he is I_o I_o.

    Your Mom can be either:

    I_o I_a    OR    I_a I_a

    If your mom is the former, you have a chance of having type O blood.  If your mom is the latter, you can only be type A.  

    The best way to find out is to go donate blood at a red cross blood drive.  Not only do you do a good thing by donating blood, but they can issue a card to you that has your blood type printed right on it.

  4. It depends.  If your mom is heterozygous, which means she has a type A allele and a type O allele,  you could be A or O.  If she is homozygous, meaning she has 2 type A alleles, you are A.  Type A blood is dominant, type O is recessive.

    Mom is Heterozygous (Aa), Dad must be homozygous(aa)

    Aa = Type A

    Aa = Type A

    aa = Type O

    aa = Type O

    In this case, it's 50/50

    Mom is Homozygous(AA)

    Aa = Type A

    Aa = Type A

    Aa = Type A

    Aa = Type A

    In this case, barring mutation, you will be type A.

  5. Its either A or O. WTF

  6. more likely o o is more common

  7. ur blood if it is A or O and nothing more other..........

    cos if ur fathher is O then he is double recessive in gene character for blood group O.

    and in case of ur mother for blood group A there are two condition 1) may be she can be hetrozygous with AO group or

    2) may be she can be homozygous wid AA grop...

    therefore u can be wid blood group A or O..

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