
My Mom's friend gave me a hint should I bite? What are the repercussions?

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When I was in High School my mom would have a little get together with her friends in the back yard at the pool. They would be dressed in their bathing suits. Since my room had a perfect view of the back yard with my raging hormones at the time, one of her s**y friends who was always wearing a thong made my teenage years very memorable. Fast forward 8 years later, I was at the local bar drinking by myself, depressed that I found out my gf was cheating on me. Guess who I ran into, her. We talked about old times and I found out she is in the middle of a divorce. In my drunken state I confessed that I "fantasized" about her when I was a teenager. She replied "I knew you were peeking at your window looking at me well let me know if you want to turn that into a reality and plus I need a rebound." Dumb founded and left silent, she wrote her number on the Restaurant's napkin and left. Next morning and sober I am at the dilema of calling her or not. By the way she still looks good for her age.




  1. Sweet. Go for it.

  2. If you're old enough to be drunk in a bar, you're old enough to stop worrying about what your mother thinks.  It's her still husband you should be concerned with....

    After that....

  3. do what you did at the bar and drink a lot of booze. so you can have the time of your life

  4. I don't know your mom, but I have teen boys, and if one of my friends even in later years with one of my kids. I'll tell ya right now SHE WOULD NOT BE AROUND TO TELL ABOUT IT !!!

  5. Go for it hon... she probably could teach you a few new tricks... Have fun!!!!!!!!!

  6. Sometimes single people need love too

  7. This is molestation and child sexual abuse.   You should report it to the police.

  8. Yeah, bite, but not too hard. You don't want to leave any marks.

  9. you're an adult now. go ahead and hit it.

  10. this is the best question i've ever read.

    go for it! hahaaaa

  11. Why not? Go for it. But if it's your best interest try to be discreet.

  12. Why not?  Unless she will run and tell your mom, you're both adults.

  13. it turns on a woman just as much as the man to know you are an object of their obsessions. my hubby is 6 yrs younger than me and I was 18 when I moved to NC, he was almost 13. from age 13 until we got together when he was 18 he fantasized about me sexually, and I didn't know he was drooling when I was getting ready to go out or laying out in the sun, we have been together 11 yrs now and our relationship is still great!

  14. If it happens, it'll likely be a one-time deal.

    Go for it, and keep us posted.

  15. Is this the same person who comes into your room without knocking? Methinks you live in fantasy land.

  16. MCFLY!!!!! (pounding on your forehead).

    This is the easiest question I have answered in MONTHS! There is no dilemma here. Get off your rear end and call her.

    Seriously, why the f--k are you wasting your time posting about this on YA W&GS. Are you hoping some feminist prude will talk you out of it?

    Frankly, you disappoint me, and I don't even know you. But I am horribly disappointed that you have come here looking for feedback, rather than just going out there and doing the right thing. Quit being a p---y and go make this happen. You owe it to young men, and men who once were young men, all over the planet. More important, you owe it to yourself.

    Furthermore, if you don't call her and hook up with her now, you will be a mean little whippersnapper who led on a nice older cougar lady who was in an emotionally vulnerable state. This will be good for you, it will be good for her. It's a win/win situation.

    I will address the uptight biddy-bats who are going to give me the thumbs down in advance: You are a bunch of ninnies. Quit  trying to c--k block this fortunate young guy. You ARE NOT helping him by pushing your f-d up morality on an impressionable youth.

  17. Deffo! Go for it dude.. older woman..

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