
My Mom Hates My First Day of School Clothes! Help!?

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So I've Bought alot of new clothes for school and my mom seems to HATE all of them. :'(

I'm 15 and starting 10th grade and she still freaks when i buy clothes for myself! I'm not dressing badly or sloppy! I just want to pick out stuff on my own. Its starting to get really annoying!

Here are 4 outfits-I cant decide which to wear! Help me choose which one...and if you think one suck then tell me why!

There numbered so use that number to tell me which u like or DON'T like.

Please and Thank You!





  1. dont much care for any of them-too mainstream but if you like them -wear them my fave es numero uno

  2. I HATE when my mom doesn't like my clothes.

    Sometimes I actually look ok, but it's just not her style... but it still makes me really self-conscious. If I show her a shirt and she goes "ehhh..." it becomes ugly in my mind. Lol.

    I like the 3rd one (light blue background) but without the hot pink tank.

  3. I like number 4 best can you answer my question

  4. They are all classy. I love number 4, and one. (=

  5. nice attempts.

  6. 2 and #4 are my favs..i like #3 also haha

    and wtf is ur moms problem wit ur clothes?they're super cute

  7. 1st is the only one that i really like

    ur in 10th grade and the clothes arent sluttly or anything so wtf?

    if you have to just like wear really baggy sweats over it(like the sweat pants with the buttons you can rip off) and rip it off as soon as she drives away haha

  8. 3 one is soo cute

  9. out fit #3

    good luck with the 1st day of school.. im 15 and starting 10th grade also.. and im soo not looking forward to it... =]

  10. Oh jeeze moms.

    That sounds like my mother lol

    Anyway,I think #2 is really cute :)

       (btw don't worry about what ur mom says,mine changes her mind every 12 seconds lol)


  11. Girl, your clothes are so cute!  Your mom's just old, my mom's like that too.  I'd wear the first outfit on the first day of school, that one's probably the most fun, but that's just me.  Good luck!

  12. hmm i like the 2nd done with the gray converese

  13. honestly, i dont like any of them...but since it's your own style, i choose the 1st one.

    check mine out:

  14. the 4th one is the cutest! in order...





  15. They're all cute but I really like 4 and 1

  16. I think they are perfectly okay ! If you feel comfortable , then wear it ! She's not the one who is gonna wear the clothes rite ??

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