
My Mom Won't Stop Drinking...How Can I Help?

by Guest44866  |  earlier

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The last time her drinking got this bad, she almost died...

and i'm not allowed to talk to her, so i can't tell her to stop...i've tried anyway and she doesn't listen...




  1. I'm sorry that you are not allowed to see her. My only advice is that you should whenever you see her is reminder about her drinking problems. Sorry!!  

  2. well just take all the drinks and crack them open and flush it down the toilet if she doesn't kill you for that your in the clear EDIT:is she at your house or or somewhere else and you found out?

  3. Plan her funeral, Mabey this will wake her up.

  4. Throw away all beer she buys tell her no more beer soda and water and juice are the ways to keep u healthy! if she goes in the trash can open the bottels and spill them outside or sell it to homless peopel lol just get it away from her

  5. Ur not allowed to talk to her? Are u in a foster home? Cause if you are I feel your pain.. if not I still feel your pain.. my mom was a drunk, almost drank till she died. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do, an alcoholic will do as they please, hope for the best, I know I did.

  6. You can only control your own actions.

    All you can do is pray and hope she finds the strength in her self to decide to quit/ cut back. People can only change if they want to change themselves.

    Good luck, and I hope I helped.  

  7. wtf y cant you talk to her dumb???

    ok ummm first of all this is one wack situation your in!

    Umm my friend had the same problem almost her mom almost died too because when they drink they dont think right...

    Well you know if u cry in front of her she may see how bad your scared and terrfied...

    Most of the time once you drink its hard to quit..

    My friends mom would always drink

    now she told her mom please listen i love you and i dont want anything to happen to u

    her mom realized it and now she doesnt do it anymore...

    If not tell somebody to help her..

    you cant live like that

    especially knowning u always have to watch out for her

    shes an adult she should be careful for herself...

    ok serously i have not much to say it just gets me mad

    knowing lots of kids are born in familes like that..

    please take care....

    Keep In touch let me no how your mom does...

    God Bless you

  8. All you can do is pray for her & yourself-you can't make someone do something they don't want to

  9. How old are you?  Is your dad available to talk with about this?  If not, I would speak with another adult you trust, perhaps a counselor at school when it starts up again.  Or maybe one of your grandparents, or aunt or uncle.  This is a heavy burden for you to carry alone.  And you must remember that your mom's drinking isn't about you.  It is a sickness and only she can make the choice of not to drink.  There are medicines out there that have to be prescribed by a doctor that will actually make her sick if she drinks any alcohol.  Good luck!

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